Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

-~ Sunday Sun 9 October 19 8 3 Arts centre cost zooms to $130m- The cost of Queensland Cultural Centre has almost trebled to S130 million in the / ?QS.t eight years - reviving memories of the Sydney Opera House. Works Minister Claude Wharton 1ast nlaht defended the skyrockel– .n1•CIKUre. saying Queensland was ;till gelling good value for its 'Tloney. But,.several Cabinet ministers ad– nltted privately the Governmenl Nas frantic the project could be– :ome a late economic Issue for the ::>ct.ober 22 Slate poll .. The centre. on Brisbane's soulh– ;ide river bank. was estimated to :osl M5 million eight years ago. It ncludea a performing arts theatre. ,rt gallery. museum. and public ibl"'ary. In the election campaign. Premier Joh BJelke-Petersen has listed the :enlre among the Governml'nl's :lamor Initiatives. Now the troubled centre has truck a new snag with a claim by ontnu:t.or Prentice (Qld) Pty Ltd of 6 days• extension on the SIB.3 mll- lion museum because of alleged delays In plan documents. The application. reportedly re– jected by the Government. is ex– pected t.o go before an independent arbitrat.or for decision. The museum. planned lo be built over 120 weeks. started two months late. It stays behind schedule with the cost already up to $19 million plus 10 t.o 12 per cent for consultant fees and other charges. Inquiry demanded In Townsvilie yesterday Labor's culture spokesman. Mr Geoff Smith, demanded an urgent inquiry lnt.o the cost rises. He said: "This project provides more proo{ of the need in Queens– lanJ for parliamentary accounts and public works committees t.o monlt.or government spending... Mr Wharton also said the Govern- ment had made additional J>aY– ments to contractors but denied they were ex-gratia amounts t.o compensate for delays. His statement follows rumors that payments involving millions of dol– lars for the performing arts theatre and art gallery were approved for al least two building companies. Mr Ken Ware. general manager of Graham Evans and Co which built the $19 million art gallery. confir– med that some payment was made but would not comment on details. The peformlng arts theatre and . art gallery are completed. with the l museum In Its early months of con– strucUon. The public library will complete the centre. Mr Wharton said It was not unu– sual for complex building projects such as lhe cultural centre t.o suffer delays for various reasons: - JACK STANAWAY. : 1/ § / t i j .i i The Courier-Mail 5 November 1983 One or Brilain'smost controversial and challenging , artists speaks on current cultural policies inEngland and , the role of the artist today. Alkinson'sown thought • .. .. provoking work will also be - discussed. Don't miss one of lhe most , , , lmportanl events on lhe Vrsuai!~ Arts Calendar, lhe Power , • t Leclure for 1983. 1 :J OueensJand Art Gallery •· Queensland Cullural Centre· South Bank South Br[sbane