Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,r Th e L:3ader 18 De cember 1983 .. First view of sculptures in courtyard show With the opening this week of the Queensland Art Gallery's outdoor sculptur~ courtyard two major European works bought by the Gallery earlier this year are now on display for the first time. One of these is Joan Miro's imposing bronze sculpture, Monummt. the first sculpture by the Spanish artiSI to be acquired by an Australian gallery. and a work considered to be one of the most significant acquisitions made by the Queensland Gallery since its South Bank opening. The other is Uni.w11 11981 -21 by the in – novative British sculptor. Anthony Caro. whose work is said to have helped to liberate sculpture from the forms and conventions of its past. . . . His later. free-standing works. 111 which the traditional sculp!Ural base is dispensed with and the mind of the viewer encouraged to sup· ply a noor. a~ descri~ed as comb_ining art with engineering ma parucularly frunful way. The opening of the courtyard also allows visitors to view several other sculptures from the Gallery collection . Two of the older works. Borghese Warrior !bronze copy of a third century BC marble ~Y Agasius the Ephoian Greekl and Hermes 111 Repu.,c Ibronze copy of a b ~onze.by Lyssippus. fourth century BO were last displayed in the garden of Queensland _Muscu"1 at Bowen Hills. Other sculptur~ to be ~en in _the courtyard include works by Australian artists Inge Kmg and Lenton Parr. A wide-rnnging view of contemporary Aus– tralian art m its present stages of evolution is 1· .• - I~ . ' t . I r "i J . ..t ...J. I :.-. 1~ •I .. being offered at the Gallery in the current Australian Perspecta Exhibition . It is the latest of the biennial exhibition~ which the Art Gallery of New South Wales has been organising since 1981 to represent the scope and variety of what is being produc ed in the visual arts in Australia. The Queensland Art Gallery is the only other venue at which the three components of the large scale exhibition !paintings. works on paper. photography) can be seen in simultaneous presentation . The widest possible selection ha~ hccn made from the original exhibition and thi~ indudcs work by Juan Davila. Philip Hun1er. Rohen Boynes. Stephen Cox . Rid1ard Lartcr. l)u~n Marek and John Peart . Among Queensland artists rcpn.:~cntcd arc Madonna Staunton. l.lill Robinson and Sall\ L'Estrangc. · The exhibition continue~ 10 January 15. Travelling exhibitions. meanwhile. which continue their tours of Queensland regional centres inc!udc Great Australian News Pic– tures. which is to be seen in Townsville before moving on to Cairns. Rockhampton. Bun– daberg. Charleville. Dalby and Stanthorpe. '· , '), ... , :.,Unison. /98 1-1 by Anthur,y Caro . . . can be seen at the • "" Q111'Pmland Art Gallery. . •·