Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

No cost, but it's a real steel ... THE Quecn sla nd A rt Gallery has bought a sculpture made entirely of machine parts. /. . The "t,/ al Sculp- : " 1 ' '' ture" is made up of cylin- .., • .. ders, typewriter parts, ,;. . . steel rods, rachets, pis- '.!._ tons and cogs. \Iii:::::::::; The Arts Minister, Mr McKechnie, said the sculpture was considered by many as the master work of Austral in's fore– most sculptor, Robert Klippel. "As such it is the most important 20th century work acqu ired for the gallery's Australian sculpture collection," he said. It was bought through the Bonython Gallery in Sydney from Klippd's private collection. The purchase price was not revealed for security rea– sons. Klippel assembled the sculpture betw~en 196S and 1968. It .measures 198 x 145 x 162 cm and has three major arms which soar despite their enormous weight. It goes on display at the gallery today. ...... -.=!'!,"""' Robert Klippel is re– garded as one of the most versatile sculptors in Australia. News ptur~. is partly art ~, NUTS and boHa have made It In the world of popari. The Queensland Art Gallery has bought a sculpture by Robert Klip– pel made entirely of ma– chine part.a. "Metal Sculpture" will be on show from today. The gallery will not dis– close how much the sc\llp- ture cost for aecurtty rea– son.,. But a thief would have to be pretty strong to 11ft the 1.98m by 1.45m by l.62in sculpture anywhere. Arts Minister Peter / McKechnle said "Metal Sculpture" wa.s I.he most Important 20th century work ever acquired for the gallery's Australian IClllp– ture collection. l / IS