Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

The Daily Sun 13 December 1983 iiiihQEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiihiiihhhhiiiiiilhilliilhiiiiiihiihhiiiiihiiiihiiiiiiiihhiiiiiiiihiiliil111.liliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidlb!liliit ,killer disease can be beaten MULTIPLE sclerosis sufferer Debbie Short (right) isn't letting her affliction get her down. She la aettlns oat to l58y · help o&her MS 1ufferen I who she feels are not u ~HARON BOWDITCH laclly u she has been. - . Debbie, 21, an entrant In the MS Golden Key Qaes&., hu spent the last few months raisins money for re • earch Into the dlHue and towards ,c funds for a new hospital to be built at Dutton Parll. Shattered Debbie came to Queensland In 19'16 when she wu succenfal In an audition to Join the Queensland Lyric Opera Company. Her hopes of a slnslns career were shattered three yean jater when she wu told 1be had maltlple acleroala. Debbie· thoqht her wqrld had come to an end. Bat she lifted her 1pl• ritl and now wow u an admlnls&raUve aula&ant with the Queensland Art Gallery. She also recen&ly re– turned to the •tare In the Brisbane Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company's production of HMS Pinafore. "I didn't think I'd ever be able to sd back on the stare after I con• , traded MS," Debbie said. , : yesterday. "I Juat love to • Ins; I'm so happy I could • Ins In the chorus with the company." Debbie and 12 other quest entrants face the judses at the Greek Club In South Brtsbane on Friday nlshL I ! I --..., .... ,,,,1t111111,u111111111111,1111111111w11; I