Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Gallery 's Opening Celebrations lilt Ill"' IJ1u l"l1 -. I ,1r11J ,\ rl 1..1I J 1.• 1·_, "'1 JI 111.• 1,,1111 1,. 1,1lly C•jtl"IH•tl OH tile ,1fll' l"IHJOII ll j -1 lilfll t,, l hl' 11,,11 . l,,h HJl• l l,,.,,. 1•t•l l' l'' l'II, Pn•m1,•r or' IJ11L·1•11 -. \ ,m,I 1111 .i..,, 1 -.. Ii I ,q,, 11 t II t ltl' pul,I •1 ,II ! , 1111 j~ I .,rhl lll!1111l npl'II 1111 1 Ii ~I 11111 1111 II pin -..,11 1., ll\1 1111,·rn.i1 1u11,il 1•, . li 1l 1t P•II'• "l,1p.111• ll'l',l'•l ll"l' ' l n•m tit,· l,hrn11 -.u t,ol), .: 1 1011" fr11m h1~yo, 'l ,11111111 ~, " , 1 r1.• I rc1-..p1..•1..·1 L\l' fn1n1 I l\t' l,111:1'.l'lllll Ill , \\•1. ,11 d , , " l!l•na . ...... ,.Cl' 1>11111., 11;,m tht \1 .: t ur-1 :1 .,nd 1\ 11wrt \fu-. •ur, mi.I lh·n.11 -.,.11\\.l' llr un::1,.•,.; and lk l.ll 1d l•r.1-.. 111h 11·111·1 flit• ,\ •,l1111till•,111 ' k1-,•1un", · 11,i.11 , t,111111 r _, , "lion· ,11111 " t.•:i: 11111 ,h 11, .,1.1111:" .md l1,1t,•n ·,1 l1111 r, frum 11 ... I 11 .. i. 1 I I 1.1~1 ' h1-.lun . ~ ,11nh r1ll •t•"; :11111 ,, 11-,rt,I 1,1 111.,tl! lhipp1.·r" 1r11m t h,• ,lhl l fHI \ 1 -lllt~ . '.d, , ori.. ' l.'l ' 1:1 , 1 ~1111!1 ' , 111.11'~ fnr ,1 !'111 1 n •po ri . 1111 l>lll llq " ' Tin m.,g11 1i'1 l l'llt lll' h ,,,lilt\ .. 111 ll "lil'l ;lf l'd ... ,111 11-.0 ,.H 11 1 11 ·,11,1t11•, , t O).!l'J ,ll'IIUllll lhl' I H l 1·, h1h 1t1 u11 .. . !111.· ,1\! ll l11 tlc -.. , ll l").!llll - 1 ' l ,I '" 1111 I d11l ,1t =•111 ..,,.l'. I 1011 , .1 rL' prl'- 1 :11111 111 !.11,!h l l):III 111,._, 1/l..,•,n1,.• n f ,I p;1r– t1 ,u l I/ l'~h,h1I lilll .111d .,~ 1.!1• frum hl' III~ ,·111, 11 ,1111111,-: .11 •,,t .1 1r,•mp t to j.!l\'l" \' 1~ 1- 11,, 111 lh1· t,.1 l ]1· n · .1 1-.1d1•r P'-' l'" P<'l' ll l'l' ..1 t li, 1-.11rl ,111 d1 ° pl , ~ .,nd th1.• 1u•r iod rq, 11 .. ,,11! 1·d '.nu,o.: 1 IH .1\'l II 11 ll'' pi 1r111nl 11 1 m11 11 n, 1111! -. . pt1L'l n · II 1,l1ni:-., l,•,·1111 l' , f I In' '\.' l'l'l'll 1111!~, ,I .. •I l"I ,1 • 11, t,.1~ llq 11\d l , ... 1., 10 11,d •I ,1 I I• • 1, 11\1\ '!11 11 <IP l.1li•d ; ·,,· 111l orm:ll 1011 011 th,• pub! n.' pro~ r:1mm1.• 1.·an he obt :11nt·d tJr phoning thl' l:duc.,t 10n Sl't l ion { ~.11). 7:55). llwr,' 1, no ,11lm1-., 1u11 lh,1q:l' tu th1.• c:al l,·rv, ho1,,l•t•1.•r a dw rt,tc 1,,iJI he mu,k for ,·u'trv to t h1• c xhih11 ion, ".lap:rn - l'rl':1~11n·~ of !hu hh•mlt su {'O I l l'c l 1011" Ol'J.!:111i z.1•d hy t lll' lnl t•rnu1 lu11;1! C"u l tur:11 (o rpor,11101 of ,\usi r,111:1 Lt d 1'.om11• lcm1.·nt 111g th i s f:isc 111:it Ing l11t ro1luct i on t u !lu· 1 rad 11 \1H1a l ,lfl il nf ,l.1p:111 , f.11 -;,.; M..1 l11 Y111n.1d,1, ,1 p1 ,1t·l 1t11111t•r 11 f t llt' ur.1 -.t•n~t· Sd ,uo l of lhl' 'l'l-:1 C1•n •1r11 111r \oo'I 11 perform thc :111l'.ic•111 ri l ua l of U:;:1- chn . \Ii ~, Yamad:1 and he r '.:ul'st :; ' 1o·1I I w1.•:1r mni:111 fi ct'nl l1mo110,;; J ur in.: t hl' pcrform– ,llh'l'~ 1o·hich ca11 !iC' -1cl'II at t hl' fo l lowing 11 m1.•, ; '.lt111d:ir \ :i111nlay "i1111d.1y ~l)111l.1) ~a111rJay pm pm pm .: 1 ,J1111c nt h. ;;o l h ,huh• at 7 . :rn n .hml' :11 3 .!8 .lune ,11 pm 11 .30 am J ,Ju i}' :1t Anotll('r hq:h l q:h1 of t he pub! h: p ro– hl',lll\ffll' 1,,1 11 IH.' :1 ll'Cluro b)' Profe sso r ,11 .;h,11'1 ,l.1!fr . Pt n •.:to r of till' . 1, 1:1-.1ll \.1m 'h1~l'11m r anihrid~,·· Protc ,,l., ,. .1.il 'l'l' i.111 ll·~·t11n• on th~· l'it ; i.~ 11 i:1111 .md 11 -. l·o l l1'l'.t 1011, 011 thl· c· 1·t•11 111~ of l·r 1.J,1,· .!5 .111111• .11 ~. IS pm In th1.• .\ud110rium (Continued on Page Ill ) , ..... New Moon: The First 3 Productions WI 11 )f l.'GUnt "To11111y" dS t ho 4th '1nd lut pl.sy Th i s month the llcw Hoon Thcat r Company 1 1 1 r t he Comp.i ny _. fu l ly profess i onal of t t.B ft nt uvcr tioason. s ince .111nua r y l t ~ s v: 7a~d has pr usc;1tcd lhrt•,· 1,roducl 1on!i touri nq compt111y ncrv lnq !forth ,'.llld Ctmtra lli?Cn. ' h • 1 fl ,lnd t hiu month wo present .i s uloction o f' phot oq raphu from t cs1: fJ 4Y · .roe sp.,no as Hilcbe t h .,,,It h the thrc£.• ,.•ftdws from ".~,1c bcth". \ , Bob 8,tlnos in thu COfflp.JlllJ's Jn.iugurdJ product ion of Reg I.Jvermon .•' Jt rock opcrJ "Ned l'cll !,'" . .J