Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Th e Daily Sun 9 De c e mber 1983 - . ' . ~ ' ~ ,· sur~ S?EClAL Art Gallery is the ' ' ' THE Queensland Art Gallery offers a va– riety of evenh and activities for all ages during the December-January holidays. A hl1hllcht o:' the period will be the exhibition. Aus– tralian Perspecta, showing from December 13 to Janu- spot for ary 15' ' Featuring the work or contemporary Australian art.bi.a In the areas or palntlnl, works on paper and photography, this ex– hibition has been ac– clatmed as dynamic and t.hou1ht-provoklng. holiday fun Alao on display wtll be .elections rrom the Gal– lery's own Collection or Australian. British and European art which Inclu– des a number or lntema– tlonally-acknowledged masterpieces. Toward the end or De– cember. the Sculpture Courtyard wtll be opened I with an Intriguing selec– Uon or contemporary In– ternational pieces. Photography On January 23, Interna– tional Photography : 100 lma1es rrom the Collec– tion or the National Gal– lery or Victoria, opens rea– turin1 works which span l~•.9~~ and provide a IQOd IMl'mmatlon or the ~ of photogTaphy. On December 10 and 17 " ~t · ,... Muslca Antlqua • will present Christ– carols, providing a perfect atmosphere In which to stroll around the Gallery or relax by the Water Mall. The Gallery's Education section Is conducting sev– eral workshops for chil– dren during the holidays. The first. Art Work in Boxes, (Of' children 8 to 12 years, Is a two day work– shop on December 12-13 and 14-15 and will involve constructing and decorat– ing a variety or boxes. The January workshop Is entitled The Coler or Sound and explores color and sound In painting as well as puppet-making and the painting or back– drops. One-day workshops wtll be held on January 10. 11 and 12, with each day restricted· to a particular age group anl! the activi– ties atructured to suit the group l~volved. '· Inquiries and bookings regarding these work– shops can be made by con– tacting the Gallery's Edu– cation Section on 240-7255. The Queensland Art Gallery ls an ideal venue for a family outing. Entry to the Gallery is free and there will be no admission charge ror any or the exhibitions on show during the holiday period. Terrace The Gallery Cafeteria provides light meals and snacks with seating In– doors or on the outdoor terrace overlooklnl"'-~' Water Mall and scu~:· Garden. · A car park Is located underneath the O.Uery. Entry ls via the Stanley Street underpass.