Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

, .. The cour ier-Mai l 14 December 1983 Arts and Entertainment CotJntry's - talents on display . - A SURVEY of contemporary Australian art featuring many of the country's most lnno••· the and challenging young art– ists opened yesterday at the Queensland Art Gallery. TIie txhlbitlon, "Australian Penpect1 1983", is being pre– sented by the Art Gallery or New Soutli Wala. It reflects • wide ranee of COIIHrm rrotn Abori&inal land ri1bts and the Franklin Dam to the Lebanon massacres, Chile, Iraq and the Sinai. Curator of the txhibitlon, Ms Benke Murpby, said she had 110tlced that youn1 Australian artists had a ,ery atronge sease or klentity. "They're not trying to Imitate the London, Paris and New York models," she said . "They're being good Australian ------ artists." ·Ms Murphy will lecture on 1 • ~ •1 ,. 1 , the exhibition In the auditorium . '. ' . . · · .-' ' ~- ',, .'. · of the Queensland Cultural Cen- , _ ~,,( .., • tre t~ight at 7, QUEENSLAND Art Gallery public relations officer J•~~I-~, lllffxhibltioa continues until teoak gazes at a Peter Cole sculpture, just one of tbe'~ta January 13. 1983 exhibits. . •·