Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,r Th, · Au s tr<1 l1 ,1n Wo rn n' s W •e kl·; l 'c br u a ry 1 9 84 FROM PRE IOUS PAGE Innovative a1·twork on show .\l'I Im·,,,·, tunwd out in fur<'<' for the OJ}('n i nJ,! of' the ,\u ,-t ra lian Perspcc ta 8:1 ex hihit ion at the• 4ut•1•n, l.i ncl .\r1 (, al 1,,,·y. Ft•a tu,·i nl-! "lllll' of tlw coun111··,, m~st i~no,·ativ(• and C'hallengi ng young arti,-ts, the PPrs!1ec ta t•xhihi 1 11111 ;, pn· · , 1 • 1111 ,d hi,•nn ially hy till' :\rt Gallery of '.\ c>w South \Vales as a survey ofcontempon11y ,\ustraltan art. h " " ' utfi<-ialh 111 ,., 11 .. d hy B1•1ty Churdwr, r hairpcr,-on of the Visual :\rts Board of thl' Aus tralia Council. Sandy Handfleld, of Chermslde West, and Glen Henderson, of Corlnda, at the opening. BELOW: Jane Magon and Kay Reyment were guests. •• ' j>-~ ~,,:.4:~~"'L \ I At the opening of the Australian Perspecta e.'lhlbltlon. Penny Kerrlson (above left) and Lee Sturma (above right) . of West End. LEFT : Noel Frankham, of Spring t-1111, Jane Rutkin, of Ashgrove, and Ron Layne, of Spring HIii. Elizabeth Cassidy, of lndooroopilly. with Mary Durack, of Rosalie. Art lovers Pam and Ian Hankey, of St Lucia, at the opening. BELOW: Margaret and Brian McGregor, of Greenslopes, enjoyed the artworks. Elegant foursome among the 300 guests were Patricia Campbell of the Gold Coast , Dr Norman Behan. Fahey Hamilton and Molly O'Loan. 126 THE AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S WEEK! Y FEBRUARY 1of84 I '