Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

'• ' FESTIVALS, COMPETITIONS, EXhlBITIONS- lrJFORMATION SU,ISK Ill[ COAS1 JUii i OR [ ISTtODFDD ~ec i0r1s in thi s annual efs teddfod are as fol l ows: Mu~lc • 23 to 28 /1u9ust . ent ries c lo~ 7 June . ~rL of Speech • 30 Augus t t o 4 Sco t em!Jer - entries close ; June . l iterary - entri~i. close 6 Augus t. Schedul es ore avail 11b le from the Secretc1ry, Mrs /1. Den1p, cy , Pe tri c Creel Road, lla111bou.- , M/S 1102 , 4560 ( 48-5629). I IV'. TAII0/1 TO DIHB IT he '·looroondu Jun io,- Sports and Recrea ti on Club wi ll conduct an Arts and Crafts Show t1 l t111: Al c,ar1tJrJ 11! 11!. Com11ur11ty lldll on 18 and 19 June , and drt ists dlld craftsmen are 1nv1tl'd to e,d11lll l the fr work fo r si.1 lc pu r poses . Con Utt :,. ~011cll 1207-1216) for de ta ils. aARYBOROUGK ANO DISTRICT EIST(ODFOO '..iccturn\ rn thi ', anriut1 I e l'ilcddfOd arc as follm"s : l;r1 ll ct, Ti1p 1Hld JHz • 18 to 21 August, High l and 0anc 1r19 - entries close 21 Jum~ ~pcech and Or,11;,a • 1 11 tries close 16 Ju ly. Ins trumental and Voca l - entries close · 16 July. Sctiedul es ar-e dvai lah le from the Sec retary. M/s C. Ouchhorn, 19 Fort Lane , ·la ryhorou1h. 1 50. ,IAT I IAL Ctt(\\ l,TRV Wl[K P110100RAPIIV COMP[Tl T1011 1 iic P.o:,,;, 1 ,us ra l 11H1 Chemica l l11s titute i nvites you to en ter their Photographic Cor1pet i t1 on o rnq held in conj unc ti on 1-li th National Chemistry Week. Entries {co lour 1r .Lil ad and ulii prin ts ) strnuld fccHure one o f the many aspects of chi:,1ii stry . Fi rs pnzc 1·1111 he 51,000. Cn 1'1l'S c lose on JO June. and detai ls are c1va i lt1blc from th In s i ute (3rn-,710). T GilAVA $110,/ • AR COMP[! IT!OIi Sec tions 111 this comp t it ion to le conductC'd as pa,·t o f the annual Mt Gr11vatt Show , u e as foll 01"'s : Pa inting, Tradi t ionJ l 5200 Pa inth19 - Contemparary . Wll ~~~~~~; l our ~2~~ Othe r· t'trt form Trophy En ·rfcs clost: on .1 h Ju ly, dnd de tail s .a re c1vc1i lab le from the Man1ger , Mr G. Ham lyn– tlarris , P. O. bu,. 145, Upper Mt Gravatt , 41 22 . Sr. I~ ART AWAPIIS ,t•L 11111•. 111 t.1 ·, ,111111,,11 ,11,1u1 ·, 1r1vl'111111pl•l I t 1u 11 w, 11 1,1: (,, ) UcprL•'.cnl,1L1 u11..il Jrlil Uti,1-!h:pr1:scntat lonol !J111r1lin9s 1r1 Oil s , Waterco lours and Acryli c - S2,000. (b) Graph ics , Serigraphs , o,·(ud ngs , Prin t s and the 1ike - S2 ,000. Entries close on 14 ,July, and fonns 11,·c avai l ah le from The Sfil O Art Awards , G.P. O. Lio,: 1453 , Brl!iban , 4001. ST P[l[R'S ARTS AIIO CRAFTS FlST IVAL Sec tions in thic. annual conpe t i ti ve exhibiti on to be held in Caboo lture from 23 to 25 July , lnC lude: Oil or Acrylic 5400 Waterco lour, acquis i ti ve 5100 Ot11c.- sec ti On!, cover Drawing. Youth Ar t, Po ttery , both whee I th l'Own and hand bui 1 t, dfld lculptunL Entr ies close on l5tti July, and entry foni1s ~re availabl e from Mrs V. Oc,,rnland, O Lesley twem,c , Ct11>on lture (95• 1245) . sur1s11 Ill( CO/,ST DRN•1A rLSTIVAL ltlt,! ~un..,hlr1r 1 C.tJil'it Fcst iv,11 of the Creative llnd Pcrfonidng Arts will hold ,1 Oram 1 1 f\.•!:. t1 vc1 I fron 10 tu 18 July. Ac tiviti es will inc lude puppe try wor~shops 1 md .. ' -- rv'r fonnances . pub li c spe11kin9 1 poetry read 1119, a Jazz conce rt, music soi ree, and miue \-io rkshops . There will 11 lso be a compe tition wi th Junio r an d seni or drama sect ions. For detai ls , contact the Convenor, llary llo,1dlc , P. O. Box 423 , Caloundca (94-51 35). CURRUMO IN CCJ·IMUIHTV FESTIVAL OF ARTS Awards in th is Festival to be he ld from 23 to '5 Ju ly at the Cur-rumbi n State Sct1ool Activities Centre fnclude: Open (acquisitive) 5400 Oil pain tin~ ( or acryli c) SZOC Waterco lour 1100 Drawing (any medium) 110 Sculpture SIOO Crea t ive Potte ry SIOO Artists and craftsmen i1re fovited to exhibit their worl. for sa le purpases . f'or detail s, contact Mrs 0. Cdwards , 44 Rive rside Drive , Pal m Beach, 422 1 (34-Z4Z8). ARTI STS AND CRAFTSM[lj WVI TCD TO [IOIIDIT The Caniira State School P. 6 C. Association wi ll conduct an Ar ts & Crafts Exh ib ition i n conjunction with the School Fete at the School on the 24th J u ly. Art is ts and craftsmen c1re invited to exhibit their works for sail' purposes. For fu rther in– fon1tl1 Li on and en try fonns , contact Mr Grant Mitctw ll on 288-1 55 7. lrlVITATI OII TO EXH IBIT Artists rtnd craftsmen are Invi ted to e1hibl t the , r 1-iork for sa te purposes Jt the St Tllomas More Coll ege Arts and Crafts Festiv,1I to be held on 24 and 25 July . Conti,c Len i-!or ri ssey (345 ~1 000) for detai ls . f[ 5TIVAL or FOOLS The Children's Act iv ity Groups Assoc iation wi ll coriduct a Fcs t.1val of Foo ls on 25 J u ly ,1t :1cCaski e Pa rk, 1:elvin Grove Rocld, 1rnd a ll clowns , bus"'c rs , ndmes , jugg!e,·s , ,11ag ic 1ans . 111tlsi cians, etc. are invited to j oin in the fun . ro,· de tails , con tact i ,1n Reece ( 36-0572). IIIVITAT !OIi TO [XH IDIT ourdes tH 11 Co l legc 1-ii 11 conduct its annua 1 Arts and Cri' ft s ( ..,n 1 bi t1on fr OM 30th Jul y to 1st August. and artists dnd craf smcn ue invited t o suhm1t wo,-~s for d1spl1y ,lnd S,l lC pu rposes. FurthC! I" detc11ls ill'l' 3Y1l i ldhlc from the E~h ib it ion ConY(nor, :11- John r,1y lor, l Pdulfnc Stree t. (ki hii1. 4111. l'IV ll AT-1 0'1 TO 11111111 r 111 • Pt I tit , ,'l fl I 1"1 ,UHh·,1 1 1 ,1•, I rl111 '•t•~. flt,,,,,l 1,1 I 11111 1-. I 1 J d •IHhll t t Ill' ,1111111,\ 1 i\rt 11tr,1v,lfJt1t1/11. rl'um JU tl1 ,luly tu \J "tUJll',l ,Hid ,11•t1 •. f1, ,111d tr,1 l t.r..111er1 ,ire iriv1tcd tu c ...tdb1t thei r 1ork for sa le pul'poses . ro,. ful l deta i ls , contact. D. Wain. 66 r.,·• nadl 11,1 St , llacGregor (349-0276). CITY or TOOWOOI· A [ ISTtDDFOO ' Sec t ions 10 th is annual t istcddfad to be he ld in Toowoomba f r om JO J uly to 7 August .11 11 inc lude Choral. Vocal , lnst n.rnental, Speec11 and Li terary sect ions for adults and ch ildren. Schedul es dre avai lable frorn the Sr crcta ry, P.O . Bo,. 60 , Toowoc,nb, , .JJSO (35 -4569) . >rlORT 5TORY COMPCT1TIOU In conj unct ion with the Gold Co,1st res t iv;i l, a shot"t s tory co 11pc t it1 n will be con • ducted tor stori es up to !> 1000 words touching on life 011 the Go ld Coas t or hinterli1n 111 s ome way . wi th a first prize of S2SO. (ntl'il.'s c lose on 31s t J\1ly , ,.md entry fo,,11s t1 1·c i.1va il.1ble from the P.IL Off icer. Gold Coast City Counc il , [ v,1nd,1lc, Gold c~,,,st . J,' 17. .. .J