Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

__I -I I. L Vl5l!1AL ARTS .-t hrn·, : -l,a:11,·, /luri ,·r I'll•~ 111i: l,,·r , ,•rum,, , UI h,·r /01111/i l,un1,· , ,nor lu l11·r "•·ddmi: 1'11,• 11, ,11,·r 1,,,, ,,., ,•111/i ,lt1111111·d 1h,· , u,,. ,h, · ,, J,,,/,l11n: anti ,,,1,,., llf'nn '" //1, · ( ,,ll,•1111111 ,,/ 11,,· (hnT11,/m1d Art ( ,i,//1•f1 t /'l,1,/1•, , ,11rt,•,1 (_)111·1·111/111t,/ \ 1'11 '/'1// 11'1 \ I ··'"7 :J I I \ i I l ART LjA'.LE,W • (;ltnn W. ('oo~,·. II\ I \h•ll11 \I.\ 1c;111 I \\ ••hini111n D.( . " ( urwlor of lhrnr•li11· ,\rl •I lht ()u,•r11,l~11d .-\rl (;wlh-r) . Harvey's Potters Some social aspects By Glenn R. Cooke* T HE /..J. llun·1•y and hi.1· Schuol exhibition recently held ,II the Queensland Art Gallery re\'ealed the range anti the 4uulity of the cernmic, prnducctl in Brishanc until the 195Us. ll.1r\'cy's inllurncc in this isolated and conscrvati\'c artistic community that was Brisbane was pervasi\'c hut hi~ d<·ath in 1949 co– incitlctl with a. hrcakdown in this isolation. l'llll, till' usual eclipse in an artbtk r,·p111ation (anti 1.:ons<·4ucntly hi, ,chuol) ll'a, ewn 11111r,· prun,111111:,·d . In rc,pc<'I ,11 the pollcry, whid1 wa, th,· 11111,1 imporl.lnt aspect of the Ila n C) ,d1011I, thcrc was a growth 111 intcrc,1 in 1he ,implicity ,,r thc Anglo-.J.ipan,·,e I.each Sdwul and a rc,urg,·11<:,· ,,r i111ere,t in whccl rhr,"' rng . ,,,c."ionctl by lla11011 lkd', arm al al 1he (.'cntral 1,·,hnkal College. 1'11ere was 1111 pra,·1111<1n,·r. a, al·eo111pli,h<·tl a, 11 :rr 1,·.1. 11 lr11 ,·,11,ld ,·11111 llllll' h1., d11nrrri:1111 rrrl 111,·n.-l'. I lr,· ll'"""' Joor 1h" "dll,cl1 1i,·d 111 rlr,· ,11,·ral 111ilrn1 111 llr"ban,·. ,\ d,·,rgn ,·,,111,,· 11a, rnl'ludl'LI 111 tlr,· ,1ll,1h11, Joor 1111111111,• ,llllkllh a l lh,· t',·n 11al I ,·rhnr.-al t'"lkg,·. ;rrrd !Ill' ,111dl'l11' ,,11\, 1u11~ fllllll..·r~ a, an l'll·1.·11,,: ,11'111.·l.:I \\1..'ll' 1lu..· nnl~ ,11h:, 11h11 11,·1,· allo11,·d 10 Jl·,ign 1hcir 01111 .-,·ra 1111,·, . I h,·w ,111Jc111' usually came lr11111 an 11ppl'r ,o,ial echclon anJ . alln I h,·11· ,·du,ation was comr,lctcJ. 11,·rc ,·.,p,·,·1,·d 111 a"ist their mother, amJ ,·ngag,· in 1h,· ,o,ial round of rrnn,, , bridgl' l't,. until tal.ing ur the r11lc "' 11 ik anJ 111111hcr. l'lrns hi, 1110,1 takntcJ ,tudcnts only po11,·J 101 a 1,·11 1,·ar, anJ lat n . whcn their "111ldn·11 g·,,·11 up. 1o11,I. up gulf anJ hrnlg,· ratlrn lhan th,·ir naft. I lrl· hulk ol llancy·s pot1,·r,. anJ an11111g ,r,,,,,. hi, 1110,1 lkJicat<·J . a11,·mkd llr,· da"''' a, a lwhh~ lllr h111lr '" ,·1,·a111l' a11J "'l' ral •"rec1,. Io l' n,111,· 1li:11 1ho,· ,tuJ,·111' p111du,·,·d ,1,·,·,1111ph,lr,·d 11<1rb lla rll·~ g111<kd 1lr,·111 ,·1,·r) ,1ep ,,1 lhc 11a~. I" 111111111!! 1,·111plah·, 101 I hc ,hap,·, ,,1 lh,· l'll'l 'l'' and lhe rar,·r Jlillll' l'll\ lor 1'1,·11 ,k,·111a111,11. I h,· JllC<'l'' lll'I\' then hr , qlll' ;111d gl:11,•J lrr,·d al S!llne, 111111,·1.1. l',101rparo101. I lrl·"· ,1ud,·111, h:rd 1,·11 lrllk l'\peri,·nl'l' 111th ,k,11,!lllllf! llrl'II ll\111 Jllllls·r~ anJ. 11h1k 111,·.1 1q!,11,kd lla11e·~ 111th alkl'll\111 .111d lll'll' harr~ II 1th lh" urrn11gcmcn1, II Jid not pm, itlc 1111 a development ,,r their ~kills. It wa, al the represcniation of the Art and Craft, Society of Queensland that L.J . llan,·y hegun his prugra111111, "' ~,:If eJucarion which re,ultcJ 111 1lr,· formation ol 1hc rirs1 cla" 111 art poltery at the Central Tcd111ical College in August 1916. A report appeared in the /Juily Mui/ the next month which rcmarked that Quecn,land', re.,nurcc, ul cla, should be ,·.,plollcJ in 1hc · 111a1111fac1ure of artistil' 11arl·, and that pollcry was u means by "h1<·h women could apply their art lo rnmml'n:i;il uses. Co111111crl·ia I. 111 1lr,· ~en,e of 111;"' produ,tion . wa, nn ,., to upply to llarl'cy\ pollcr, hut th,· fir,t financial success wa, Mi" .Jc,,1<· \\'ooJ rnl'f<·\ 011,·-111a11 c., hi bit 1<111 <11 pnllcry at th,· ShclJ1111 Ci,illn~ <111 lk,cmher 7. 1922 . I his exhio11io11 11;1, an <' .\l'<'plinn. II 11;" th,· 11111~ ...,n,·-111an " p,,11,·1) ,lro11 h,·ld 111 llrnham· 11111,I ;rt ka,1 llrl' l•J.'ill, In an 11111d,·1111lied rnrl'\\ 111 1111, nlrrhrl 1011 11 11;1, 1\·111a rknJ " / l11r111g rh,· !"'·'' 111" 1·,•1,r.1 rh, ·r,· h11., 1,,.,.,, 11 l't'ri1c1/il,· 1 ra:f' fur ht111dntt1cl1 · 1IuI1, -r 1 1111d a 1111n,l 1 1·r 11/ /ln\ht111t · girl\ ho,, . h,·, 111111• •. ,,,,.,, /1Ul/('I'\ " ,\pp11,,:1...·1,1t1111 1 ,11 l lh.' ,111 ,llld 1,,.' l ,llh \\,1, lltll l11~'1 Ill ll11,ha11,· amt. al1ho11!!h pot1e1 ~ "·'' ., popular hnhhy. there wcrc lr11111ed ll.'1\uc, lllr its ,ale. C1>1lH'4m·ntl~ man~· pollcr, had only a briel pruductil'e lifr as there arc uni~ ,o 111a11y item, that can he given 111 friends a nJ r,·latil'C, . 1'11e most important marl.et \\a , 1h,· annual c.xhihi1in11s of the ,\rt, and l'rafh Sncil·ty 111' (.)uccn~land (hegan c. 191.:!J hut l'eramic, \H'r<' "'"' olf,·red t,,r >-lie at the (tlwn) Qun·nslanJ Art Society Exhih,11011 (from 1917) and di,playcd at th<· Rnrnl :--'ational As,nciation bi1ihitio11 (from 1'1.:!I). Retail H·n ue, 11erl' c1·c11 more limited . Craft it em, w,·1\' :11ailahlc from the ,\u~1 ra l 1111111. l'luh a11J ,\rt and Craft Ccn11,:, I h,· lli11k ,\rt \\'ork C11111pan) . :s.;.,,d ,\r1 . I h,· (.',,n1inrn1al Cnrncr anJ l!01ok, and llrhdob a, 11cll a, 1h,· l'hrr,1111:r, ,·,hrh i11011, al lire Shl·ld1111 (ialkn . I lr,·" · ,tnro 11<·1e a,·111,· al \;11/0III·, 11111,·, ,,...,,, lhl' ll/~(/, Ill 1'14(1'. One , ,1 t h,· 1n,"' p1111n llll' 111 '"" 1 h,· ",\n Crall S111Jrn" 11lr1d1 upnat,·d 1 1 ·•·