Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

< . The National Times 17-23 February 1984 PERFORMING ARTS They'tt Pl1yln1 Our Song : A successful songwriter falls in love with his new lyricist. Corny but entenaining. Cast stars Gaye Macf-a rlane, Peter Noble. SG IO Theatre, Feb 21-March 10. The Glass Menagerlt: By Tennessee Wil• Iiams. Ans Theatre, Petrie Terrace, until March 24. D1rfn1 Romance: The story of Dora, who di scovers life's harsh realities against a changing backdrop of music, time and place. La Boite Theatre until Feb 24. GALLERIES Whisperfo1s: Paintings hy Tania Denisenko. Community Ans Gallery, 109 Edward St until March 2. Plaques, Platten and Other Thl • 1s: Potters Gallery until Feb 23. l • lernatloul Photo1raphy: One hundred images from the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria. Queensland A_n G_a~ until March 4. Jama Patenon : Recent work. Ray Hughes Gallery until March I. ,,· 10-16 February 1984 PERFORMING ARTS T Wil• The Glass Menagerie: By. ennessee Iiams. Ans Theatre, Peme Terrace. March 24. I d . • cc· The story of Dora, a egen D1nn1 Rom n · h f lls in lo\'e with Dick. . her own mind w o u . t tn . l'f ·s harsh realities aga,ns a She discovers I e f •c time and place. changing backdrop O .muSi ·, La Boite Theatre unlll Feb • 4 · . , . Alida Jones w11h a Chlca10: Gill Simpson, d d cers Twelfth chorus of 16 si ngcr·s an an . Night Theatre until Feb 25. GALLERIES h . One hundred lnternallon • l Photo&U? Y· f the National images from th e .collecuon/ d An Galtm Gallery of Victorrn. Queens an - - - - through Feb. James P11enon: Recent work . Ray Hughes Gallery until March I. , . Obi FabriN: Kimonos. Antique Kimono .• nd 1 5 Plus woodblock obis and fram~d ,amj. e; Room through prints by Kunisada. ap n Feb and March. 'II • I prints. Sprin1 H, Barry Weston: Origina Gallery until Feb 25. I . 1 .'he Courier-Mai l 18 February 1984 -- . ·•· •