Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

'l'he Sunaay .M il In the duaty, makHhlft conflnH of the Awoonga High Dam alte nur Glad– atona, a young Engliah woman 1lt1 11ur– rounded,.oi,.,,1bma ol OuHn1land'1 flnaat work• ol art. ~ 01 only docs m 1linc ()'Rorke, 26. look and ,ound a little out of pi.ice 1n her remote Au; tra– lia n environ , bu t the Job , he 1s doi ng - conserv– ing wor~s of nrt - seem\ particularly m1>placcd n the ,\woonga ll 1i:h DJm proJect site arolrnc. originally from ll ampsh1rc. Eng• land, is highly qua li fied in her craft - conserva – tion and restoration of 1,orks of art on parer. Much of her time 1 >JlCnt righti11g the wrong that has been done not only by time - mould , worm tun nels, accummu l,11cd dust - but also by incor– rect mounting, e pec1all y wh en someone has glued a painting on to something else to keep it Oat. With equipment akin to that a 1urgeon may use - sca lrcl, micro cope, t"·cezcrs - Caroline painst akingly brin g, old and often valu able works of art bac~ to life. She uplains the differ• cnce between conservation and restoration: rcs-