Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Gallery's Opening Celebrations lLon . " ""' P,, qe 0) \' 1 !!P I t o r, t lJ tlu.· Ill'"" 1:.11 l••ry , huulJ 1101,, thl' ~han gc 1n hnur ,i;: or opc,d,:~: '•111J1r r n >;1,tu r,l:i)' Ill :1m 111 ' pm "i1111d:iy t,: 'l:on11 In ,, pm ).'rid.t> Ill ,lln to 9 pm 1,11r111.: the< fir '>t l "-'l' "'L'cl -.u f o11c•11111~ the t:.1Il c ry w1 l l .1J..:o l"X t l'1hl it :. \ ll''-i11~ hour-. unt I I 9 pm 0 11 t he• CH'nin~, o f 1 1 111nl• , .!II 111111..• lllhl '\ ,1111 )' . 1~u1JcJ roun, u f t h1.• llt.''i. 1,.11 11:r,- 1o·1I I l1L' nm .,t 111t1..•rva1 -. ll11 ri11.: the 1oce ~. Time-. '- Il l hL• 11<lv1..·rt 1,L•d :,t thl' l'l\11':ui..·t• fO)'t.'r 10 t lw c::dl cq•. Gu 1dcJ 1our, u f tht' ld,•m lt-.u Cu l Ict.: t 10 11 nw1y ht> :.irr:irt~t•LI fur prl·~hu,>1,.cJ .: rouw, "'l l h a m111 11'111m of 15 Jll'Op lc n •qu1rc t1 fur l',1'-'h hool1n~. l'o r fu rt her Jt.•t :11 I, t~ ll·pho,h.' t he f:Juc:11 101 'ic~·t 1011 f 2J O- - ~S5I. I o THE GALLERY: ~l:u,y uniq11c :111J J ist lnc t ivc J cs lgn fca • l ure.; m,1h• t ht• Qt1ct•11 o; J:1ntl Art L::1 Jl c ry Ulh: of t/\C' mo:-1 moJcrn :md c,.d t in).! in t he wo rlJ . Si tuatt·d on tlw South hanJ.. o f the r iver in tho cc11tr:1l Hr i shtrnc lty nrcu , lht• hui l tling 1:- :, mus t c rpl c -.:c o f funct Iona! dcsl ,:n, i11 t roJu1.· 111,: nn t u r;i l L•lt•mc111 s :ind lu1lqut• fcu t urc! to c r ea t e :1 t o tal envi ronment :-ympa t hL• t I!.: 10 t he- di nmt c– anJ condul· 1vt• t o t he e n joyment of wnrl,,:,, of u rt . l'hl' U\'lo. c:ntlery prO\' l \il•s UI/L' r 1, ,000 sq1111 n• m1.•l rt':- o f di s pl :1)' " Pu..:c covc r lnJ.! 15 exhi bit 10 11 nr cn:- wh ich :ire l nt c1,:ratt•d with loungcs :1111.J foyt•rs t o l.'. rc:it C' ;u1 ur1 - hi nJc rctl t raffi c.· fl u" for t he puh l ic . l'hc rc l:ucd c1 cia ncc cvi JL•rn throughout the Uul lJ lnJ.! t :( cnh:inccJ hy the mut ed tonl ngs of t hc inter iors whi ch (Qrm nn hlc:1 1 h:1cl,,drop for the tl i s pl a)' of hoth 1hc Co l lL•ct ion 1111J a wit.Jc r:an~c of loan exhibit ions. Thci\rt 1::1: J1·ry 1s the firs t s t :igcof th,i fJ11<•cn:,, l;111d Cu lt n r ~I Cent rl' "'hid1 "-'I I I 1ou"t' 11 l'c rform1n~ Art s compl ex , rhc /.ln::.cum :mJ tht• S ta t e l. ihrnry . , .. ---- BRISBANE THIS MONTH Performances - Exhibitions - Presentations THEATRF TH[ AUSTRALIAN BALLET presents : TH[ HERRY WIDOW by Ronald Hynd - Artistic Director, Marilyn Jones. Mus ic by Franz Leha r - with the Queens land Theatre Orchestra • TUES I TO SAT 5 JUN[. TRIPLE BILL - "City Dances " by Robert •1ay, "Our Waltzes " by Vicente Nebrada and "The Rite of Spr ing " by Glen. Tetley - Artistic Director, Harl lyn Jones - with the [!izabethan Melbourne Orchestra • Adults 112 .50 & 115.50; Under 26, Child , & Pens. SIO (Hats & Wed only) • TUES 8 TO SAT 12 JUNE. Her Majesty's Theatre, Queen St , Brisbane• Tues & Thur< to Sat at B pm; Wed at 6 . 30 pm : Matinees, Thurs at 1 pm & Sat at 2 pm • Enquiries (221-2777) . QUEENSLAND THEATRE COMPANY presents : AMADEUS by Peter Shaffer - DI rector, !lick Rodger - Designer, James Rldewood - S.G. 1.0 . Theatre, Turbot St, Brisbane - Tues to Sat, at B pm; Matinees , Wed at 10.30 ,,m & Sat at 2 pm · Book ings at theatre (221-5177) • TUES 8 TO SAT 16 JUNE. 111[ AHBROSIANS, St Arrbrose's Parish tlall , Cnr Davidson St & [noggera Rd, Ne,onarket . LLOYD G[ORG[ KNEW 1!Y FATHER by Wi llfam Douglas llc,ne - Director, Yvette Capt - Frl & Sat at 8 pm· Adults S4, Stud. & Pens . 11 .50 - Enquiries (356-4032) • FR! 18 JUN[ TO SAT 3 JULY . ASPL[Y THEATRE C()IPANY presents : FOOL ' S PARADISE· Comedy by Peter Coke· Director, Wesley Walker· Albany Creek C01rmunity Centre, Ernie St, Albany Creek • Frl & Sat , at B pm. Adults 14, Stud . & Pens. 12. 50 - Enquiries (205-3334) • FR! 25 JUNE TO SAT 3 ,JULY . BRISBAN[ ARTS THEATRE, 210 Petrie Terrace, Brisbane . ONCE~ CATHOLIC by Mary O'Halley - Director, Ian Thomson· Wed to Sat, at 8.15 pm Wed & Thurs: Adults S6, Stud. & Pens . SS: Frl & Sat: Adults S6 .SO, Stud . & Pens . S5 .50 • Bookings at theatre (36-2344) • THURS 3 JUN[ TO SAT 10 JULY . TH[ [HP[ROR 'S NEW CLOTHES - Chll dren 's play by Pinne and Battye • Of rector , Len Crook • Adults S4, Child. 13 - Sat & Sun, at 2 pm • SAT 5 TO SAT 26 JUN[. THR[[ BILLY {;OATS GRUFF - Children's play by Jean Hann • Director, Mary Sprawl ing Hon to Frl, at 11 am; Sat at 2 pm• Adults 14, Child. 13 - Bookings (36-2344) - TUES <9 JUNE TO SAT 10 JULY BRI SBAN[ R[P[RTORY ' S LA BO !TE TIIEATRE, 57 Ha le Street, Mi Iton . RUNNING LATE FOR NOTHING • Book, lyrics and music by Tony Longland, David Pyle and Charles Owen • Oi rector, Des James - Wed, Thurs & Sat at 8 pm: Frl at 6.30 pm - WED 2 TO SAT 11 JLIN[. CARBONI by John Romerf 1 and George Dreyfus - performed by Denis Moore and Va 1 Levkr.1.fcz (violin)• Director, Paul Ha~ton - Tues to Thurs & Sat, at 8 pm; Fri 18 at 6. 30 pm, Sun 20 at 5. 30 pm & Frl 25 June at 6.30 pm & 9.30 pm • Adults 16, Cone. SS • Bookings at theatre (36-1622 ) • THURS 17 TO SAT 26 JUN[. ABIT OF HUMOUR, A BIT OF PATHOS, A BIT OF ART· Contemporary mime, devised and performed by Chris WI Tlems • Hon & Tues at B pm: Sun at 5. 30 pm • Adults SS, Cone . S4 • Bookings (36-1622) • TUES 1 TO TUES B JUNE. BRI SBANE YOUTH THEATRE presents: DRACULA • ALIVE ON STAGE • Horror musical • Director, Brett Davidson • Playhouse Theatre, 27 Hampstead Rd, Highgate Hil 1 • Book Ings (397-434<) - THURS 17 & FR r 18 JUN[ at 8 pm & SAT 19 JUNE at' 10 am & 2 pm. ,. J 11