Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

' . ... Th e Toowoomba chronic l e 16 Febr u a ry 1984 .; lntefnational ph~fograph~~ --- ==---- ~ (~ -df.~ :{ fhC ' o .-i4'L''·tf.., , 1 icttlCD, \ ,ll, ~-·•"""J exhibition . In comparison wi1h pain1ing and \Cu\p1urc, ph01ographY and film· making arc rcccn1ly•acccpltd forms Queensland Arl GallerY until March 4. Th• 100 p\c1ures 1race the historY of photography from its cadicsl beginnings in 1he 1800s, and show interrelationships between pain1ing, sculpture and photography. ol the visual ar1s. Jusl as grcal collcclions of pain· 1ings cxisl in galleries 1hroughou1 1hc world so comprehensive collc<:lions ol art pholographs arc now held in such places as 1he Royal Pholographic Socic•y ol Great Bri• 1ain and 1hc Socictc francaisc de Pho1ographic in France. In 1hc u.s.A. 1he Meuopoli1an Museum of />.II has a collection and the Museum ol Modern Arl has a dcpar1mcn1 ol pholographY for 1he express purpose ol collecting and Clt· hibiling examples or ar1is1ic , pho1ography. The t,1a1ional OallcrY or Vietoria hill a line collection, of wllkh a I. selection is currenllY disp\ayef:I al \he Muyerbridge's series of human and animal locomotion pictures of \1181 arc displayed. His exhaustive pictorial analysis or 1he way in which men walk and h0r5C1 gallop greallY inOucnccd 1hc impression!IU and later artisU In franec. The arl of portraiture is seen In J•. M. earncron's picture of Vlr&inl• wooirs mother, \811, and J.QIID Thomson's bleak pic1urc of ~ durinl the Victorian era. A poiaD&l!I phOIOlf&Ph of a miaf&Dl ti,olhcf is by 0oro1hc& Lani•• 1936- • • 1; Th, ,;,.,,o,of , h, . · . 1984 Nallon-il A I \Queensland All Gall , ! ' ·• ' ' -.,d s h •~ M, R ~ · """: • nriw ,r S4,000. 'w;:~,;•:;:~,::a:;;/;.:;l;k~~;;:;•);/,:~:; 'T(,;" '" ;~;•;-;,~'".;_ ''""' chool of Art gall c opening of lhe A . e winner of the erra T,me.r cry on Friday, Marchwtrd fahibi11on at th:acd, which · anberra