Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

·' 'l'h ' Court r -M t l LU I-' •oruu.ry J 'J o 4 II ·,Queensland Cultural Centre ... :rMrst it was linle more than an idea. an image. A Cultural C ntr c for . ~eensland. A place for people. To appreciate. enJOY, part1crpate. Then 11 became a plan, a project-a possibility. Museum Performing Arts Complex -.;,. Art Gallery Library becoming part of the life of Queensland. And now il's a living reality. Reaching out to Queensland, to thl' world, with all the vitality and variety of Queenslanders themselves. TI ,e Queensland Cultu.-:il Centre. It's a part of us. NdWac,ipto.teh1ng complt.•!1on !he Cona,rt ~II w,11 "'"I 2.(XX) propleJ: Alyt'•C fht•,1tre )t'J.IHljl up IU J,f(X) ,1od ,1 \m,11l Stud10 lhc,1lll' Jft.• JI~ Included ,n tlM> comrk, . O\t't I m1lhon IX'OI>~ h.lvl' w.1111ed the At1 Gallery >tn<< rt, open1n& 1n June. 1982. lnll'm.1tmn,1l t u1,1nt 1 JI 1h,• Cenut-'., Foun1am Koom ~l'\l.turdnl. S1140C • • 'f-1 -