Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,r .'h e Co u r i er-Ma il 20 Fe b r uary 1 9 8 4 ·av1ng.i ~ •· . . I n With photos NEW lrcnd1 ill photography •· ._\o 51,.m, Mondays to Fri– art on display at the lnstituto da •an ,$12.noon to S of Modern Art anlil M,aicla' p.~turda ~ Suildaya. ' 10. , · • · · *• * , 1 The exhibi11on "Nol• Pie••• NfNETEENTH and early lure Show" _dcmonslralcs pho- 20th Century kimono and obi tog_raphy us,n~ co!la~e. inslal• fabrics arc among the aniclcs lat1on1, bromides, ltghlboxcs on display in the Japan Room and 1ewn plastic. of the Town Gallery, 77 Queen * * * St. THE Community Arts Gallery will exhibit works by Tania Dcniscnko from this Saturday to March 2. Miu Dcliscnko describes her work 115 "changing shapes and color combinations . . . lo cx– prea the subtlest melody ofere• atio1t" The Gallery is open from 10 It is lhc first Brisbane exhibi- tion of the fabrics and original 1830 woodblock prints by Kun– isada . The samples may be viewed Mondays to Saturdays from I O a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Fridays until 7 p.m. *** Ward ii being exhibited at" lhc Lyrebird Gallery, I 90 Petric I~cc. untD February 24: f (Gal!ery hours arc Tucsda)'S to Saturdays 10.30 a.m. 10 5.30 p.m. with a late nigh! on Thurs• days to 8 p.m. *** "PLAQUES, Platters and 1 Other Thingr" is the Iheme of the cahibition by the Direction• al Group 11 The Potters' Gal– le,y, 483 Brunswick St, Forti• tude Valley. The 10-IIIClllber group is ex• bibiting more .unusual clay works with cmphulson thccrc– atiYc exploration of lhc medium than on functional do- ·, e display continues until ·. · ware. ,. Filiruary 23. Hours, Mondays to'-'Fridaya 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m., Saturdays 11 a.m. lo S p.m.and ; Suadays 2 to S p.m. *** THE Qucculaad Art Gallery is • bowing "Gifts from the Col– lection of Sir Leon and Lady· Trout". I *** I THE Victor Mace Fine Art / Gallery will present an cxhibi- 1 lion on a Japanese theme fronrl tomorrow until February 29. Dye painting by Camel Swen, noren byShumci Kobay– ashi , and pottery by Peter Rushforth, Shunicki Inoue and Mitsuo Shoji will be displayed. The gallery , al 35 McDougall St, Milton, is open 11 a.m. lo 5.30 p.m. Wcclncs• days to Saturdays. *** A COLLECTION of Oriental rugs. dating from lhe early 19th Century, is being displayed at the Power House Museum , Haymarlci:t, Sydney. Over is rugs· from Caucasus, Turkey, Central Asia and Per– sia arc on show. A Turkish weaver will be inattendance for the duration of 1he exhibition, weaving a prayer rug. The dis– play continues until March. • I