Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

~h e Courier-Mail 3 March 19 84 The Aris.converge in a seasonal celebration ol music 1ec11a1s and orcbestral concer1s continuing this monlh ,n the magmlicent selling of the Queensland Art Gallery Contemporary V the Classics Wednesday 7 March t.00 pm Saturday 10 March 3.00 pm The Chamber Group of the Queensland Thealre Orches1ra will contrast the 20th century work ol English composer Gordon Jacob wrth the classic.Igenre ol Mozar1. Hadyn and Hollmeister. .IJN11111red by lhe Queensland Art Gallery Sociely. :------------------_,,utJOfC Oueens1and Art Gallery Open daily t0.00 am to 5 pm Queensland Cultural Centre Weekend Information: 11 TelephOne 240 7303 The National Times 9-15 March 1984 Eett • trlcl: A comical. tragic. musiral mix of cxtraordinury eccentrics and !heir eccentrici– ties. Sel durini: an English lea parly allrnded hy the 1920. Bl<1omshury Set. L, Boilc unlit March 30. RNI Hnrt: Pela Lily. a solo mime artisl. rre:<ents a humorous look at a girl growing up in Australia. La Boile TheaIre. March 10-1 J. GALLERIES Col-rf • I A • llnll • : Oil painlings by Ken– neth Wenzell. Galloway Gallery un1il March 31. F'ro111 Tk Colltttlon or Lady and Sir Lton Trout: Artists from lhe Heidelberg School. works from John Ptter Russell and works on paper from Norman Lindsay and Lionel Lind,u.y. Queensland Art Gallery unlil March 20. A • t.. • c alNI Early 20th Ctntury Tuliln: Japan Room until March 31. Philip Bacon G~lltry ,I.,.- he Couri er-Mail Art and Music: ASummer Series The Ar1s converge in a seasonal celebration ol music recitals and orchestral concerts cont,nu1ng this month in the magn1licent selling ol _the Queensland Ar1 Gallery. Contemporary V the Classics Today at 1.00 pm Next Saturday 3.00 pm The Chamber Group ol the OTO will conlrasl the 20th century work ol English composer Gordon Jacob with the classical genre ol Mozart. Hadyn and Hollme1ster. , Sponsored by lht Queensland Art Gallery Soclely. .: . ·· ', ' ~ Queensland Art Gallery Oueet1Slind Cullural Cenlre Open daily 10.00 am to s om Weekend lnlonmal,on: • Telephone 240 7303 ui ·· ) --- : . ' ~ The Telegraph TODAY ~ / ~ j 9 March 1984 MUSIC PROGRAM: The Queensland Conserva101ium ol Music presents a program ot Haydn, Franck and Webern conducted by Werner And,ea5 Alben 018pm. Adults $8, cone $5. SATURDAY RECITAL: Royal Schools Music Club prc~cnts a rr cital by Pamela Page (ptanv; ancl Henr~ Hr well (!cnnr) nnd Valene Dickson taccompan1hl) u1 l!~e Mu~•c A~11h!1rig, KeJvln Grove Campus. 811sb;rne CAf. V,c tori,1 P.irk 'Road, Kelvin Grove. Srarts 2 30nm Adnw;s:on i 2. SUNDAY ART VIDEOS: Oueeno;limd Art Gr111-,,y p•~sent:; !he vi· dCO p1c-s.J11fal1on "lands.c.ipo w1lh t,ylHCS - fht? Angry Decade," al 1pm Ouccnslnnd A11 Gntlcry, South Brrs– bane. Unforeseen circumslilnces may re!iull ,n program changes. lnquir,es lelephone 240 7303.