Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

•' ,,· The Courier-Mail 28 Febr uary 1984 Now, this 64-page record of Queensland's Art Gallery and Its treasures Is yours to keep or give as a gift. In lull color, It details the genesis, the architecture and the people who developed the Gallery, together with representative selections of works In the Gallery's collection covering three categories: British and European, Australian and Queensland. The Gollery's facllltles and services plus technical Infor– mation on the site and construction are also provided. Published by The Courier-Mall In lull color on glossy stock. --·- Price SS. Available now at: Queensland Art Gallery Bookshop. Newspaper House, 93 Queen Street, Brisbane. Queensland Newspapers Ltd., Campbell Street, Bowen HIiia. You can order by mall to: Queensland Art Gallery Book, The Courter-Mail, G.P.O. Box 937, Brisbane, 4001 . ----------------- Queensland Art Gallery Book Please send me......copy/copies of Art Gallery Book. Enclosed Is cheque/money order for $...... $5 per copy plus $1.10 tor postage and packing. Total $6.10. Name.................................................... Street................................................... Suburb................................................. Postcode.............................................. ----------------- ; ,~– \' •&U UH]IC