Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Weekend Art Classes for Children and Teenagers Throuohout 1984 the Gallery will cty1duct classes in Drawing. . Paiming, Printmaking, Sculpture and Modelling Children may enrol lor one 6 week unit or all lour units. While each unit 1s sell contained. the programme has been slructured to provide lor cumulative development. Jlltlllr t11ue112-15 wears Co111MIIClll9 10 Mlrtll Orawtno Senes Saturdays March 10. 17. 24. 31 April 7, 14 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm Pltpll'lllll'f CIIUH 1·9 ytlll Ctmmelldng 11 Marc• Drawing Serles SundaysMarch 11 . 18. 25 April 1. 8, 15 A lee ol $30 00 'tor each 6 weeks unit covers the cost ol instruction and most materidls llltklflgs. Telephone Education Section 740 72 55 Weekdays lrom,9 00 am to ~ 00 prn C ("t Queensland Art G~llery .~ 1 (Mensland Cultural Centre f - /.., South Bri!>bilne 3 1 3 ,, '-• Weekend Information: Tel. 240 7303 ... IT WILL be our tilrift4 tia~ ·a close-up look at the America'sCup in Brisbane in April. Arrangements arc being finalised for the cup to go on display at the Queensland Art • Gallny in early April, possibly from April 2or 3, for about 12 days. • Since the Australia II crew won it off . , Newport last September, ending America's 132-ycar possession, the world's most pres• 1;g;,,. Y"hH,g t<•·....,.., in Perth, Sydney and · · • It's going to be d. · elboume's .: National Gallery frOf':. , . !i!ntil March ~: 18. '••' .- The good news is that while the Mel• • bournians will have to pay to sec the cup, , viewing at the beautiful South Bank gallery , in Brisbane will be free. • · I understand gallery viewing houn will •: include night SCMions to allow as many ~ : ~ pie as possi~le l~ take a triu~phant gawk at •· the celebrated silver cup. ; ·· ... I _,. . : \i 9 ~ i I l l ·•·