Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Th Na ion l Times 9 - 15 March 198 4 R .\f Jl L i\11 LI 1:--. 11 h .,, .,h, ." , 1,Hl'd lhl.' flll) U ll l.ll rl' \ , . ,t ~oung .1rt1...t he ,pl.'lll .1 h,t l'' ll nl l' ~1:uH.l1n g 1,"Hl 1h1.·rn . lll'•l ""' .111g 1111 Barn ey m the Mc Phcrs0n Ranges, on the Qu een,la nd Ne " South \\'ale bord er wa;, hi, fa, our- 11e mount:,in : " It is right next to l'>h Linde ay and the) make sud1 an odd couple. h Lindesa) ha s ,uch a strong. cla sica l hape. o mething like a G reek temple. a nd Mt Ba rn e) ,s so different • a great hea,·) ma,s. very ru gged." These da, , 1cl li, h's t'a ,,n1r11c mountain _.:. 11llkeJ. hi, !';.I\ ,,uritc hll or Queen slanJ - is l\•11 G l11ri,,us 1n th e lu, h Samfo rJ V,dln . north -we. I or Bri. t>ane. He h.1, hui lt a cahi n there and he a nd "it'e Co nn ie regard it as tht·ir rctr,·at. In July, Raou l Mell ish. 56. wi ll celebrate his tenth a nni versa ry as director of the Queen sla nd Art Gallery. The gallery is ve ry much Mellish's baby: its collection renects his tastes. the bu ilding itself seems to ha ve been inn uenced b v him . through his long association 'with its architect, Robi n Gibson. .· •, ( · \., J ·~ ._/''~-'-~ :;~;.~ 1' ~ .. ,.- t,, , .. .! . .. . •,;,1 ·'- "I ,.. .. "I'._- f , ..If .. '.;.f,\/c '"J' ;··_, ;r.. ~ . ·' .\ _,,,.•, .. . J.- ~ - · _,•• . • ~ · , , • ~ - _.,,;...-:,;; .. :· ·:·, :_~.:\~-;~\..:' . .••' : ·.•· .. . . -~ '.',·. J•. . ;, . , y. J '\., •• J·'(,"c , ·• .. : {.. ~ : .... -: -~· !j .J~~·-~ ·~ ., ,• ., .. -· . . :, . ;' ~ . . '""" ;-. /' . ·.-:.. ,.; ,· /~- . I'·.•. ,,. , . •· • .• • • ,•. · . I.,: # .. ...-. _.· . ..... ..-r, ·-. )"6-tr'h ' . ·.). '~ ,l;· _. . . ,: : ::,;,,:;::• . . _ ,._ :.flftil!. . :.. ,.: . . ..•: :,•·. .~:// ·!J.!-n :';'· .£>-' . ·f ,•,; ~ :=:/ . . / · ·I .--=-'·-- -~ - . .-~- ·. ··....,·-. .. , I 1' ~ .. _ .. ~~ ' . .,-,._1l •• The ne" ga ll er) . the fi r t . ta~e ,,r the Qu• <land C ultu ra l C,~ntre. Mt Lindasay . "a strong, classical shape, like a Greek temple. " Mountain man Raoul Mellish in Brisbane Art Gallery . . 20 THE /\TI0 NAL TIMES COLUUP M Cu ,\ZINE " ·" ,, p,·ncd 111 June. 19~2. It is a hu dd i11 !,! th.1t demand, re, pon. l' : fll'l'fllc ci th ,·r 1,n e it nr hate it. 1 4 n,Hn 1h1..· 1,u1 , i1..fr. 11 i, a ma~~i,l' th111 g. ,,f l°1HH.·r r t1.• and gla~ . . In. idr. it 1-. , p:ti.. ·11, 11, .1nd air~ ,, i1h i:;tn,ng lin e, Plant, ha, e b,·en u,ed as 111U<:h a, pci,,iblc and "ide. , kar p<Jnls of "at,·r ha, c hc,· n 111<:l1rp,1rat,·J int ,, th 1.· 1.k,i 1!11 n t' 1h1.• hn\1.'r ll•\t· I, . i\klli,-h I'" ''' 11 : " It i, ., hcauti – full ) rr,1p,,r1i ,,1H·d thin g In th,, ,a,c t he r,, rin rc:i lh did 1·,,11,"' th e fun , lll)tl n, ,. i'iill ,·ffr,·t ,,r th e h ud d1nl.! 11,l.'lf 1-. ma n 1..•II \H1, . l\1.• ,tl \, ,1, , -1\-11 th .11 1!11..·r1..· \, ,1, .1 1.·1.•rt :1i11 unhe-.1rd ,,r nll1,1, Ill the build ing . ll \' I I•' tht· 1..·,11 . llh'rl' l \' 1h1..· l'\ t' .. Ik ,, ,·nthu,i:1>11 .: ,1tw ut l{oh1n (i 1h, o n. ., d1 ildlw,1d frit-nd · " H<'·, a hrill1.1n t pn,nn .. (i il" ,111 .1n J Mcl – li, h \\ cirked , 1,,-el\ ,111 the bu il ding o, er thl' ) <',1rs. tli"rnugh 1.tt <' night, :i nd , .1ri,,u, ,etb,1<:k, . .1nJ t,oth .,re l't...',tath.' .1h1., ul th 1.• li nal rr:--ull . ~ 1..·\ 1..· rth t· l1.·..... \klli..,ll ,,1h ·11 (n•I -. "a building with music ." tl ,.,: lh.'l' d l1' 1!1..'I ,1n ,1\. t,1 1r ll l",II " I • th111I-. Pl'11pk ll l'l'd tli .11. IP l.!l'I ,1\\ ,1\ .111d 1h 111l.. \ llll l tH\11 11l,H1 ~hh ..• Il l' .tl,,1 ,~l' lll'\ l'' II 1, lll'\:.,,,lr\ ''" p ..·,, p k IP h ,l\l' ,1, llll' d lll'd 1,.1,;11,11, I \\Ith 11 .11u rr " '"' ' " h 'llllll'' I t'\l' ll l,!11 11p 1la· 1l' 1n n l \\l'l' ~ I 111 111 \... 11 ,,·., .. () ,-.. .,, \\ll d r "h •• ,.1lll !11.11 .111 11111 1,ll l'' 11 .11 111 \.· ,, ,.:II I 1l1111 l ,,·, 1hr , ll h l' I \\ ,I \ ,l f tl llthl ,,·.d h .. It , , 1 11 ,, .1111 1, 1 1',11 111 rr.tl1,lh.,dh . \\ l 0 ll 11 \1 l ,I ll • • 111d ii \\Ill ,, .1111 11 1 p ,t ll ll Ill ,d-,,11,tl l p ,1ll l' ll1'. Ill '\ \,,,, 1,,. ,II ! Ill' , tl ll\. ltlll.' 1,1! .1 f111,. I,,. 1(, l l'\l llll' , 11 , , h.1p1..· . ,1 , ... , d,1u1 , l,l1 ·11 rt.".nl1 h (111 1I .1h,1r.11.. l p ,111 \.'f ll , 1lll lh l' , urf.H..l' , ii ,t r11,,:I-.. ·· \1t,:l11 , li d ttt,', 11111 h ,l\l' ., ... 111111.:h l1111l' l1 l p .11111 ., ... h1.: \\1,11ld \\l,h . ,,, Ill' ' Pl"lh.l , 111111.: h ,11' h,, l1111l' ,It 111, ,n , , u nt.1111 rr 11 r.1I. ,,11Hl111 g d 1H\ ll th rtl U~ h pll\ , 1t·.d ,It'll\ II \ 1'111.:n.· h \'q 't 'd 1,, ht· 1..11111.·t·trd 1\ 1r 1hr ,111\ l'. l.1od 111 hr 1,,. h.·.11 ,.:d " ) ,n1 h,1\ l' ll' \\ ,ill,.. 1hr,1t1!,! h .1 bl·:1u11t'ul p .11 d1 111 r.1111 t i1 rt.: ... 1 111 crt tla· rr 11 ·, l1~ r .111 P th l·r t·l1 m.1 ll: u p thl'f' t', 11 ·, .1h1 1 u1 , ...1H1f1 .1h11\l' 'l' ,I lt·\ rl .111 d ll' .1h P ll l 11 , d1..'l!.l'l'l' ' lllt l kl th .111 Hr1-.h.1111..• l· \1..·11 ;H'" · ,II thl' 1..·11d 11!' ,u1111111..·r th,·rl' ·, ., <'1 1111 Ill th,· ,Ill' al ni~ lll. ,II\( "'' .11,-.,)' l, ~ht .1 fire...