Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

COLL£GE or ART' ro:.ton Slr Cl , llorn in9s 1de. COU'I UlG ll•lf/r!A~1•1t1ri SPAC:[ • P('rfr),i11c1ncr ilrt hy /oc Thc,n,,~. - Ma rn r1.tll h1t 10,1 r.,1 \l ei-y • 1/r', I', ,\rl'lf ,1 7 pn,. lltl I11',I fUll I 1111 /\IIU Ai I). I. t . p,·t•',t•n v.: I/If ~fflP[lll :.rm - Ll,1c;~1c Grct•I· fht:il lrc • 01rct lor , non rinncy • Cos tumina , 111111 Gallowd}' - Old Go•,ernrnent HOllSC lawns. Q. l. T. , Gardens Pt , Geo,·ge St, Ur isbane ~dults SS, S ud. '.3 - Oooti ng; (397-1194) - Fk l 4 TO SUi/ 6 JUii[ at 8. IS pm. n,C 01 PEOPL[ presen t : Ailll[ f' GRCEN GA8L[S - D1.-cctor , Gai l Wiltsll'ire - Tues to Sa t, dl 81>11: M,1llnecs , So t at 5 p,u · A~u lts 59. 50, Ch il d. t Pr:ns . 56.50 - Tli[S O JUN[ TO SAi 10 JULY . WliWIE THC fl{J()lf - Director, r.,li l WIitshire • Tues to $t1 t , 9.30 am , II.I S am I. 1 1.-u rues 15 ,JUN[ TO ~AT 10 JULY, Twe lfth !ligh t Theatre , 4 Cintra nd , Dow II llf ll s - Uookings (52-7622). OU[(NSLAIID Ak! S COIJIICIL SCHOOL TOURS: srno IN Ttl[ cLO~IIS - presented by The Queen, la11d Ba llet - llorth Bri sbane , Pinc Rivers and Redc l iffe schools - Enquiries (22 1-59D0) - TIJ[S I TO FR I 25 JUI/[. QU[[IISLAIID lllGIILA:IO DANCHIG ASSOC !Al !OIi presents: SUNSHl:I[ TITL[S - lndooroop1 lly tligh Schoo l Assemb ly Ha ll, Ward St, lndooroop i l ly Enquiries (349-6310) - SUII 20 ,JUii[ . RtDCLI FF[ IIIIS IC AIIO ARTS SOClfTY, Mouse trap Theatre , Rcdc liffe Showgrounds. 'IAID OF TH[ l·OU!ITA IIIS - Musical - Arlu l ts SS, Ch ild . & Pens . S2 .50 - Booki ngs at Jetty llewsagency - [nqulrles (284-4 105 ) - II[ • 2 TD SAT 5 JIIN[ at S pn . ST LUY.(' S Ttf[ATRC ~Otl (TY, St Lu~e• s \l,111 , f.kib ln Road fclS t, Annerley. LAOlr.5 Ill Rfl!RfH[U - Con1r.dy thrill r Uy (dWi\rd l'cr·,, - n,rcctor , li111 fi,l ffney Adults 53 ; Stud. & Pens . Sl. 50 , Chi ld , 50c - Oook 1nr1s (349-3495) - FRI II. SAT 12, MOIi 14, W[D I A SA1 19 JIJII[ , t ft 1>11. ~UllllVllNlr. kLP[RTORY Ulllf'MIY p,·e,e11ls: G[()RGE AUOMARGAR(T - comedy hy r.e,·tll d S,wory - Director, Guy Mott - Mun icip~I • hl ll , l l 'i lC!r ~t. Sw111yh1ink - r,-i • 1 J1ll, ill f\ pm - Adul l •, SJ .r,o: ('1tud , ,. ren~. Sl .~O. f.111 1(1, ·,Oc - l;1ml i11'1', .,,. r1,1·, 1·, r1N1', 1, f.,1•,l••l /1.qf 'nt y ( 1'1~-/ll1f1; . flll ,' 11 ,llltll lfl \ Al l Jlll.Y . TIIE I.N. lll[ATR[ COI-IPMY presents: 'Jt'I 7' 1 rRC:'7'1 11 - ()1,.ector, r? ryt'ln r:t1•:.or1 - 11 2 llronl 1•\ ' r • run i r,,rte v,, I l11y - Wecl L11 1 .. ol , 1H U 1,111 - lldu l r. SIL '... LUll . 1, Pt:u-. . S~ - t:o,,hn~f• (h/-!,133) - W\U JG ,Hl!H HI C..fd 3 JULY. VIUAfH1VA l•LI\YI ll', , l,1vl111 ', 11•1•t 1111 •,1! ,·1• . l\11r,111d,1. ) AlHtltlA FAIR - Roma11tiL conicd by ~l1mur.l T,1y lor - o,,·cctor. «,t.., (drro ll - Fr1 t. ~11t. ,lt 8 ~I i Mall ne. Sa t 26 June at 2 pm Adu l t s S'.J , Cone. SJ & Chil d. SI (oi,cnin9 n111ht SI c,trd) - Ouok1119s ( ]98-6 179) - SAT 12 J1t,,I TD SAi J JULY ' .IYIHIUM-MNILY JUII IOR i:1 s rrnoroo: Adjudica tion of ~ntri es In th Speech 1nd Oi-1111111 sect ion - Enquiries (396-3240) - ruts I TO SAT 5 ,11111[, MUSIC QU[[IISLAIIO SVMPIIDIIY ORCIIESIRA presen t s three concerts during June: lkD A.8.C. RED SIIOSCRIPTI ON ORCll[STRAL CONCERT - Conductor, Niklaus Wyss - So lois t, Pd1.tl B11dur.1 -Skoda (piano) - \./nrks by Stravinsky, t1oz,1rt and Fr.:mck - Brisbanll Cily Ha 11 - SAI I JUii[ ,1l 8 i>'' • r.o /, .r. (. eu1 ~IIIISCR IPTl ()II ORCll[ SlRAL COIICCRT - Cnnductor , li klau, Wyss - Sn lo1sts , f',11• •l,1 i'aq<.• ,md M,1x <l ldintJ (11 i,1no'i) - Work hy $,1tir, Pou lenc and Tchdikuvsky - , nstJt1111• c, y ilil 11 - 1U S 22 JtJtl( ,1 R pm . ,, ,. , ... 7 ------ ,\.il, C. SP[CIAL DRCH[STRAL CONCERT (50th Ann iversa ry) - Conductor, 'li Uaus lyss So loist, Mar, Zeltser (pi ano) - Brisbane City Ha ll - SAT 26 JUii[ at 8 pm. IIACII SOC lf!Y r QU[[IISLAIID presents: ··~, ,J(llltl Ph~SIO,l" by ,).S. llt1ctl - \~Ith Choir lllld n,-ch •s tr,1 - ~o\01St!. , C,lrQll lll' JoHnsun, L1l,1 !lay, Drucc Cr,ui cr, Ross Ml1yhcw, M1 chac l Lcighto11 Jone~ Mid c:,·egory Mdssfnghc111 - St John's Cdthedral. Ann St. Bri sb.1ne - Admiss ion by pro9ran1ne - EnQuiries (37 1-195'.,) - FRI 4 JUii[ at 8 pm. BRISBNI[ CITY COUNCIL presents: 1-:us ic at llldd•y - Thurs 3 June, 12.30 pm to I.JO pm. Chamber 11uslc Reef La l - Sat 5 June . 7.45 pm to 9 . 15 pm. l1uslc ,1t llldil,1y - City lla ll - Thurs 17 June , 12.30 1)111 t o I. JO j>II, Jun lo,· Concen • Young Artists Se ries • fri 25 June , 6 pm to 7. 15 1)1 1 1. Ithaca Auditorium, 2nd Fl oor, Bd sb;rne City Hall • Admission free - £nuu1ries (225-4600). URISBAII[ IIUSIC CLUB , Roya l GcoJraphl ca l Ha ll, 370 Geo rge Street, Srisbane. Cu'lC(RT - with the Bouche Ouin te te, a Baroque Trio 11nd riar~ueri te Sapinsk i ( violin ) , a11 A.li .C. Concerto Competition finalist - Adults S2 , Stud . & Pens . SI - Vis itors we lcome - [11quiries (44-7997) TUES 8 JUN[ at 8 pm. CONSfRVATDRIUII OF MUSIC presents: Lunchtime Conccr l - Admission free - Wed 2 June a t 1.05 pm. C011servatoriu1i1 Brass - w1 th Pau l Terracini ( trumpe t ) and Arthur fliddleton ( trombone ) - Wo rks by Bernstein, Poulenc and others - Fri 4 J une at 8. 15 pm. Mayne String Trio Hi t h Jenni Fler.d ng (piano) • Works by Shostakovich, R. '.Hlls and P. t3 racanin - Sun 6 June at 3 pm. Lunchtil,1e Concert. - Conse rvatorium Sinfon 1J - Admission fre~ - Wed 9 June at 1.05 pm. Lunchtime Conce,·t - Admission free - f ri 11 June at l.05 pm. Conservatoriu1n Big Band - Director, Graeme Leak - Sel l 12 June at 8 p:n, Flede nnan in Concert - Contemporary Musi c (nse111b le - Sun 13 June at J pm. Lunchtime Conccn - Chr is topher Wrench (organ) - Works L>y 0,lCh, 8rat11ns, llozart and !tendelssohn - Wed 16 June 11t I .OS pr1. Chi nese Orchestra - Direc tor , Or Dale Craig - Kevi n PC71ier (piano) and Wiltia.1 Mo1tey (ba rttMe) • rro1J1"1l1~ of tradit ion,1 1 (Hnese mus ic In cos tume - Thurs 17 dt 8. 15 p111. i1111cllti111t• Cor1r,urt - Hcpcrlo1n• SLri n9.. - Admission frt•e - r ri IU ,Jun~ ,ll 1.05 orn. S1 lve1" Jutnh.•l' Gi1 l11 Ct ncert - with all the major pcd o,·mi ng ensenb les of the Conscrvato.-lum - Compere , Hu']h Cnr,ilsh - Brisbane Clt H.111 - Adu lts S7 1 SS, Cone . S5 & 13 - We~ 13 June •t 7.JO 1>11. LllllCll ll111c C.1111cert - Admlss lun frcf.' - rri lS June ill I .OS µ111. Drama Doub le Bi 11 - "Words of ,'\dvice" by Fay We ldon and "The Dark Lady of the Sonnets " r. .U. Sh,111 - r,·nducer, Cilu~rppc, nrt1p l lo - Fri ?5 ,lunl' 1lt R. 15 1m1. f, 11 lurul \1111', ,ll'l' held 111 lh1• 11.,.. , 1 ,J011t", lhl',llt'l! , L1Hl~t•rv.1 l ur1un1 . ti,lnhms Pl, Gcn,·9c ~l. Gri shcmc. unless otherw ise incti caled - Ticket pri ces: Eveni ngs . S4 & S2 ; Sundays . SJ & SI - Book ings at the Conservator l1111 (229-2650), O[PARTll[NT OF IIUSI C presents : COUC[Rl l>y Department of Music Choir - Co,1ductor . rli chaC! l Le ighton Jones • So loist , Co lin Spiers (piMIO) • Work s by Byrd, Haydn, Gi-aln-9er, ttor ley and others - PerfonnancP Room , ttusi c Ouil di n!), Unive ,·si ly or Quecns l,rnd, St Luci a - Allniss ion free - (nQuiries (377-2014) - TUES I JUN[ at I. ID I"'· 411BS - FM PRESENTS BROADCASTS OF LIVE CONC[RT RECORD INGS: lntroduci r1g the Conse rva tor ium, Tues 1 at 8. 30 pm; "Take One" . Sat 5 tH 10.lS pm+ "Don Pasqu,1le" , Sun 6 at 3 pm: Peter Mctrt in Mer.1oria l Concert , Thurs 10 at 7. 45 pm; rledennan I. Sal 12 at 10 p,1 ; Janet De lµrall, Sun 13 at 9 .30 pm; Or91111 Special l - G. We ir , Thurs 17 at 7 p11; Conserv,1todum Singers, Sun 20 dt 9 pm; Orgi!lll Spec litl z. Thurs 24 .1t 7 pm; 20th Century Musi c Festiva l 2. llon 28 at 9 . JO i,n; ConscrvdtC'll"ium Orchestra with llerncr Andreas Albert , Tue< 29 at 8.3D pm - Enquiries (35ii-8777), IIAY0/1 SOC IETY OF QU[[NSLAND presents: k[C ITAL hy llaydn spec i• 11 st , John McC,,he ( o I,no) - War, < ~v llaydn , Ree thoven , Clementi ,llld Schl1n11nn - St. John's Cu ll <'!)C Chape l. llni vr rs ity or l)urensl tt11d , ~t luci;t • Adults Sb, Stud . S3 - [nquirlcs (262- 101 3 , /h) · SL 1N 13 ,l\llff ,H ; 11<", IJ ,. j