Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

ABOVE: Th• QUHnsland Tourist and Trav•I Corporalion'• SIR FRANK MOORE and LADY MOORE. ABOVE: CAPTAIN MICHAEL VAN BAARLE, JUDITH CALLAGHAN and ALLEN CALLAGHAN. ABOVE, 1'he Sunday Sun 1 8 Ma rch 1984 ABOVE. ANNA JONES, 1M ~ . SIR JAMES RAMSAY. and LEAH McCiRA TH. Social setJ;linq~r g _14 swank affair The who's who of Brisbone society attended the OuHnslancl Art Gallery Foundation Annual Dinner ot the Crest Hotel on Thursday night. Brisbane civic and social leaders donned their evening llnery !or the dinner where thr Governor Sir James Ramsay was lht guest ol honer, The purpose or the loundatlon 1s to raise lunds. through donations and s1lfcial events, to enlarge the State Collectton now housed In the Queensland Cultural Centre on the South Bank ol the Brisbane River. Anna Jones and Leah McGrath or the Art Gallery Foundation welcomed guests to the swank allalr. Chairman ol the Expo 88 Authority' Sir Liew Edwud1 and Lady Edward• enjoyed pre-<llnner drinks with the architect or our stunning cultural centre Robin Olblon. The Lord Mayor Roy Harvey and the Lady Mayoress Pearl Harvey, In a pale mint green dress, chatted with other lf\lests before the dinner. Allen Calla«han, ol the National Parks. Tourism and Art Department and hla wile Judilh, who organises Queensland Da)'. caught up with Captain MlchMI Van Burle, the Governor's Aide de Camp.