Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

- The Sunday Mail 1 8 Ma rch 1 9 84 Trout ext,ibition f ini9tt,es soon Tbi<dfNNge from the Queen•• l1nd"Art Gallery 11 lh•~ ti:,e magnifi– cent Trout exhlblllMli coming lo 1 clue - It llnl~·•t tht tnd of the month - and II probabl1 will be 1 _ long lime before the public can 1g1ln ... the p1lnllng1 and plece1 of ec:ulpture collected by Lady Trout Ind her hu1band, lhl l1t1 Sir Leon TrouL .~{ .. _Ladt Trout, who live~iit a 111Jiv,.Vcr~ sa1llcs m Brisbane ha, all~ SQ1ne·1r ~ wondrous personal collection ·or sculpt~:, and paintings to go on display·along,.itb 0 , the works lhc and her husband donated to the gallery. Lady Trout's donations to the gallery over the last five years are valued at well over thr~ q~rt~ or a million dollars. The Troutluhibition and the overall brilliance of the gallery is part or the ex– citement that i1 washing over·Brisbane as the opening of the Performiljl Arts coat• . plu draws near. .,t' 1.,.. • Tbe companies that~ · mare plottina and planning .r~~ Alie lirst pro– ductions they 111ge in th theatres arc. stunning and forev~r m~morablc. , , ;l::I··• The deep -th 11 still luk~warm c,,/Cr that manellous South Bank complex. It really is about time they sat up and toolr. noticii. ' I - • q T The Daily Sun 7 April 1984 Queensland Art Gallery The Queensland Art Gallery presents lheAmeriam Cup 0.ills,llyflr11uys-, 3•1la,,I It's here in Brisbane, the famous 'Hundred Guinea Cup· of 1851, 134 ounces of silver that represents the supreme achievement of International yachting, Don't missthis rare oppor1unity to see the 'auld inug• that represents the :ulmination of 132 years ol superhuman ellort and skill. ""~ :..cl..,v..,._Hoofs ~~::;~ l-'i-11 =-~,nrj frdly t YffltnQ!I "lt;Mnled t,v lhc Koy.JI '+'Khl !:lub "1:f1h .......,.. .. c.,,,,., ,, 'IHlwnAust,i!,,1 Oueen~1,1n,;An G.-atlcrv Ouetn!lt,m(I Cunu,alCe111tc Soulh R11~bl0£ WttlicnO 1nro,m•1,on lt ltph(lnt l 40/J0J e i i l l .•