Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

The Daily Sun 5 April 1984 Mr McKechnie with the America 's Cup yesterday. Photo· NEIi, IJUNCAN THE America'• Cup went on dls– plar In Brisbane , ..tercla, and 11 tipped to draw re<ord Queens– land Art Gallery crowd, - beat– Ing the lntombed Warrion and America's Cup the roral wedding drna. Soon the cup-wlnnlnr yacht, the gallant AWltralla JI, will be on dis– play nearby on the south tiank of comes to town the Brisbane River. The 133-year-old cup will be on show from roam to 5pm di.Uy, 8pm on Wednesdays and Frl• days. Admission Is free. The 10-day cup show– Ing will be followed by the Australia II display. The Arts Minister, Mr McKechnle, said the cup had a ,rreat historic aura surrounding It, havlnr not leU American shores In 132 years. It would attract more 'By MATT ROBBINS Interest than other unu– sual displays which had set attendance records al the rallery. "The Entombed War– riors drew 178,533 people In one month, while more than 100,000 visi– tors filed past Lady D1- ana's wedding dress." He said the America's Cup would have to draw about 6000 people each day . to break the attend– ance record. Yesterday the cup had attracted 2000 by closlnr time at5pm. The cup wu made In 1851 for the Royal Yacht Squadron In London and became known as t.he America's Cup after· a yacht of that name won an Isle of Wlrht race In 1851. ·