Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Day byDay With DES PARTRIDGE THE cheering may have died down, , but it still will be a thrill to sec the vic– torious Australia II in Brisbane next month. Details or the America's Cup-winning yacht's visit arc still being kept under wraps by the organisers, but DBD has confirmed the Brisbane stay is definitely on. It seems they know more: about it in Townsvitlc than anyone is saying in Brisbane. It won't surprise ir the visit coincides , with the big Sydncy-Mooloolaba yacht ' race, which starts on April 10, but that's not certain. And the trophy which Australia 11 took from the Americans who had held it for I32 years, the America's Cup, will be on view at • the Queensland Art Gallery from April 4 to April 12. * * * .'he The Cour ie r-Mail 24 Ma r ch 1984 ·QueenslandArt Galle'.K_j Public lecture series Caring for your art works I, Aseries of three Sunday afternoon lectures on caring for works of art will be presented by members of the Queensland Art Gallery's professional staff. Painting_s, porcelain, fine_ furniture and silverware will be among the items for discussion in this invaluable guide to caring for your personal treasures. Advice will be given on how to display works in the home or office to advantage and how to preserve avariety of art objects. Sunday 1 April 2.30 p.m. - Handling ~nd preservation SUnday 8 April 2.30 p.m. - Framing and display .Sunday 15 April 2.30 p.m. - Curator's advice Tldteta • 1111 _. Tickets lw 1 uc1III . Adults $9.00 Adults $3.00 Students/Pensioners S6.00 Students/Pensioners S2.00 fof turthef lntonnation contact 240 7255 Weekend Information: 240 7303 L 7 23 March 1994 ; i • H - 'l ' • 9 / j l i ' . \ . •·