Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

\ ·, MUSICA VIVA AUSTRALIA presents: CONCERT by the Universi ty or N.S. W. [nsen~le - ~ork s by Oeethoven, Koda ly and Brahms Mayne ttall, Universi ty or Queensland , St Lucia - Adults $9 .50 & SB, Stud. & P ns. SS - Bookings at Festival Ha ll (229-4250) - wr.o 9 JUNE at 8. 15 pm. QU[[NSLMD JAZZ ACTION SOCIETY present s: COIIC[RT by Jazz groups - Q. \. 1. Campu: Club, Ga rdr ns Pt, George St, Brisbane - Guests S4, Stud. & Pens. Sl - Boollngs (394 1575) - SUN ll JUN[ at 2 pm . QUEENSLAND P[RFORMHIG ARTS T•~~T presents: ROGER WOODWARD Ill CONCERT - with the Queensland Theat re Orchestra Tin tner - Works by Chop in, 13eethoven and Bi zet - Brisb,:1ne City Hall S\4 .60, S\1.60, S/.60 & Cone. availab le - Bookings at Iler llajesty' s • SAT 12 JUii[ at 8. 15 pm . QUEENSLAND UIII V[RSI TY MUSICAL SOCIETY presents: Conductor , r,eorg - Ticket prices Theat re (221-2777) COIICERT - with the Concert Society Orchestra - Conductor Dr Colin Brumby - So loists, Jenny Dawson (soprano ) , Ll oyd Robins (trumpet) ano Michael Leighton Jones (baritone) - Works by Victoria, Bach and Handel - Mayne Hall, University of Queensland , St Lucia Adults S6, Stud.. Pens & Child . S3 .50 - Enquiries (371 -2845) - SUN 6 JUNE at 3 pm . QUErnSLAt/0 YOUTH ORCHESTRA presents: 2110 1982 SERIES CONCERT - Conductor, John Curro - Soloist, Brett Dean (viola) - Works by Bartok, Sibe l ius and Ri chard Strauss - Mayne tlall, Uni versity of Queensland , St Lucia - Enquiries (11 1-9 124 ) - Sa t 5 June at O pm. GARDEN FETE - All Q. V.0. groups appearing - Newstead House , Newstead - Sat 19 June. BAND CONCERTS - MUIJ\C \PAL COtlC[RT BAND - Botan ic Gardens, City - 6 June at l pm. BRI SB ANE EXCELSIOR BA/ID - New Fan:, Park , New Farm - 6 June at l pm . SOUTtl UR\SIIAllf f[D[RAL UAND - Kin~ George Squ,,re, Ci ty - 6 June at 3 pm. CITY TEMPLE SALVATI ON AR/tY BAND - Newstead !louse , 6 June at 3 pm . BRISBANE CITI ZENS BA/ID - Botan i c Gardens, Ci ty - ll June at 3 prn. CITY TEMPLE SALVAT\Otl ARMY BAND - New Farm Park, llew Fa rm - 13 June at l pm. BRI SBANE EXCELSIOR BAND - Bo tani c Ga rdens , City - 10 June at l pm . BRI SBANE CITJZ[JIS BAND - llew FOl'm Park, liew Farm · 20 June at l pm. 1'\JNI CIPAL CCII C[RT BA/ID - New Farm Park, New Farm - 17 June at l pm. SOUTII BRISBAN[ FEDERAL BAND - Botanic Gardens, City - 27 June at l pm. AUSTRALIAN SCOTS PIPE BAND - rf n~ Geor ge Square, City - 27 June at l pm . Adm1 ss1on to band concerts free. ART AND CRAFTS QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY, Queens land Cultural Centre, South Brisbane . KANDINSKY - A RETROSPECTIVE from the Guggenheim Museum, New York - FROM MON 11 JUii[. JAPAN - MASTERPIECES from the Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Tokyo • FROtl MON 21 JUN[ . TOWN, COUNTRY, SHOR[ AND S[A - British Drawings and Watercolours from Van Dyck to Na,h from the Fitzwl 11 iam Museum, Can-bridge - FROM MON 21 JUNE. RENAISSANCE BROtiZES from the Victorh and Albert Museums and RENAISSANCE BRONZES AND RELATED DRAWINGS from the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford • FROM MON 21 JUNE. lliE WORLO or EDWARD HOPPER - from the Whitney Museum of American Art • FROM MON 21 JUN[. SELECTED WORKS FROM THE COLLECT ION • FROM MON 21 JUNE. Mon 21 & Sat 26 June & Sat l July, 6 pm tog pm - lion to Sat, 10 am to 5 pm (Frl till 9 pm) , Sun. 12 noon to 5 pm - Enquiries (240-7303) . 14 , .. ----- ART IN BARK ASSOCIAT\01I OF AUSTRALIA presents: (11hibitlon and sale of Bark Pictures and Jewellery with demonstrations . Botanic Ga rdens , llt Coot-tha - Enquiries (378-1497) - FRI 25 TO SUN 27 JUNE, 9 am to 5 pm. BOSIO/I GALLERY, Cnr Boston Street and Sefton Road, Clayfield - (26 2-2016 ). Romantic Paintings by Vena Evans - WED 2 TO FR\ 4 JUNE. Pa i ntings by Brian Spencer of Tewantin - FR\ 4 TO SAT 1r. JUIIE. Paintings by Robert Hughes of Gympie - SAT 26 JUNE TO W[D 14 JULY. Wed to Sat, 11 am to 7 pm. BULIMBA STATE SCHOOL ART & CRAFT EXPO, Oxford Street, Bulimba. Exhibition Includes demonstrations by artists and craftsmen • Official Opening, Fri 4 June at 7.30 pm - Admission SS - Thereafter: Sat 5, 10 am to 5 pm & Sun 6 June JO am to l pm - Enquiri es (399-5479) . ' CI NTRA HOUSE GALLERIES, 23 Boyd Street, Bowen ll ills - (52- 7522) . Exhibition of Antique ad Old Oriental Rugs - THURS l TO SUN 6 JUN[ . "Birds of Paradise " , Papua New Guinea by John Gould - FRI 25 JUNE TO SUN 18 JULY. Tues to Sun, 11 am to 5.30 pm . CITY IIALL ART\ STS GALLERY, Brisbane City Ha 11 , ~,\ ~x~~ b~~J o~/~u~~~ M.A. E. Group - [nqui ri es ( 396-9417) - /Ion to •r ri , 9 am to 4 pm • COLLEGE GALLERY, Brisbane C.A.E., Kelvin Grove Campus, Victoria Park Rd, Ke lvi n Grove. Paintings by Robert Kinder - flon to Fri, 9 am to 4 pm - WED 2 JUNE TO Fn\ 2 JULY. CO•UIUNITY ARTS GALLERY, 2nd Floor, B.C.A.C. , 109 Edward St, Brisbane - (221 -1913 ) . llulti-Cultural Arts Display - TUES 1 TO SUN 6 JUNE. Exhibition by the Floral Art Society of Queensland - TUES 8 TO THURS 10 JUNE. P•intings and Suede I/arks by Carole Walters - SAT 12 TO WED 23 JUNE. Sculpture in Wood and Metal by Claire Llewelyn - FRI 15 JUNE TO SAT 3 JULY. Tues to Fri, 10 am to 5 pm; Sat, 11 am to 4 pm; Sun, 12 noon to 4 pm. CRAFTS COUNCIL GALLERY, 1st Floor, B.C.A.C . , 109 Edward St, Brisbane - (229-2661) . Fi bre/Wood Exhibition by Ethnic Council - TUES 1 TO SAT 5 JUNE. Exhibit ion of Knitted Garments by Molly luff fey - W[D 9 TO WED 23 JUNE . Exh ibiti on of Blown Glass by Peter Goss - FRI 25 JUNE TO WED? JULY . Tues to Fri, 10 am to 4 pm ; Sat , 11 am to 4 Pffli Sun, 2 P'TI to S pm. DE GRUCHY GALLERY, 55 Jephson Street, Toowong - ( 371-3636). Fabric Collages and Stoneware Pots by Pam Wilson - Mon to Fri, 9 am to 4 pm; Sat, 9 am to 12 no?n - TUES 1 TO SAT 12 JUNE. GALER I[ BAGUETTE, I 50 Racecourse Road, Ascot - ( 268-6168). Tropica l Fol iJge and Landscape Paintings by Alison Coaldrake - Mon to l'ri, 9 am to 12 noon - TUES 1 TO FR I 11 JUNE. GALLOWAY GALLERIES, Cnr Gregory Terrace and Brookes Street, Bowen Hills - (52 -1425). Exhibition by Ed Devenport - TU[S 1 10 THURS 10 JUNE. Exhibition of Original Draw ings and launching of Ann Green's new book, "Down to the Coast" • FR! 11 TO THURS 24 JUNE. Oil Pa In t i ngs by John Guy • FROM FR I 15 JUNE. Mon & Tues, 11 am to 6 pm; Wed to Fri, 11 am to 10.30 pm; Sat & Sun, 1 pm to S pm. THE GREGORY TERRACE GALLERY, 327 Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill. (229-2140) . Paintings and Drawings by the Advanced Students of the Brisbane Art School - Mon to Fri, 10 am to S pm - TUES 1 TO WED JO JUNE. IMAGERY GALLERY, 1st floor, Cnr llelbourne and Grey Sts, South Brisbane - (44-8207). Exhibition of Prints by Australian Photographic Society members - TUES 1 TO MON 14 JU/I( . ~~~~t Card Exhibition" • Travel photographs by John Elliott - WED 16 JUN[ TO SAT 10 Mon to Fri, 10.30 am to 3.30 pm or by arrangement. •·