Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

-- The Co urier-Mail 31 Ma ~ch 1984 QueenslandArtGallery ' . -\ . . . :~ . . • . : • ' : ' . :~) . . '. t~_- ~. .. ~ • ~ TheAmerica'$ Cup ~,,. _ ..• Opening Tuesday 3 April On display for 10 days only It's coming to Brisbane, the famous 'Hundred Guinea Cup' of 1851, 134 ounces of silver that represents the supreme achievement of international yachting. Don't miss this rare opportunity to see the 'auld mug' that represents the culmination of 132 years of superhuman effort and skill. Extended Viewing Hours: Openinr;r 1.1 .00 am Tuesday 3 April. Daily 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Wednesday and Friday evenings until 8.00 pm .... .... " Pres'"ted by the Royal Yacht Club. Perth. Organised by the Art Gallery ot Western 'Australia. Queensland Art Gallery Queensland Cultural Centre South Brisbane. Weekend Information: Telephone 240 7303 -~ '• _,., .. . ,, , •\ ll .) ,- •~ – S l}jpoc l . ' / . •·