Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

... r ·' America•s Cup show THE America's Cup •Ill go on display a& I.he Queensland Ar& Gallery from l.oday. F.-om April 13 Autralla 11 will be on show at the Clem Jones Gardens on the south bank of I.he Brisbane R.lur. Both displays •Ill be free. ( I I :' i • J; THE t)'JDbol of yacht– lnr npremacy - the America'• Cap - will ro on display at the Qaeemland Art Gal- lery for 10 days from &oda:,. And from April 13 Aus– tralia II, lhr yacht that cllnchrd thr cup. will br on show ror 10 days at thr Clrm Jonrs Gardrns on thr south bank of thr Brisbane Rlvrr. Both dbplays will be frrr. Thr cup arrtvrd under Ughl security from Can– berra yesterday. It will br unveiled by the Sport and Arts Minister. Mr McKechnle. at 9.45am and .~n placed on view froail llf am to 5pmdally. · On Wednesdays and this Friday, viewing limes will br extended lo 8pm. ·: 9 / t j l . •·