Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,r The Courier-Mail 11 Arril 1984 Cloliaa 5.00 pa loaorrow Your lut chance to sec the ramoua 'Hundrod ·a1111ca Cup' or 1851, 134 ounca ol lilver that re~11 the 1uprome achievement ol International yachtina. FneA....._ Open today rrom 10.00 am until 8.00 pm tonlaht. Tomorrow from I 0.00 am 11n1il .5.00pm ----- I I I I The Courier-Mail On dl1pllJ llf ,0 dlJI lllly 3-12April It's coming to Brisbane. the famous 'Hundred Guinea Cup' of 1851 . 134 ounces ol silver that represents the supreme achievement of international yachting. Don't ml~Jh1s rare opportun1ty·10 see the 'auld · - mug' that represents the culmination of 132 years ol superhtJman eftprt and skill. FMMllltnllll Eatencled voew,no Hols Opentno 11.00 .,,, I ueld1y 3 Ai>"I. oa,1y 10.00.,,, 10 s.oo pm Wedntl4r/ ..., frtdly tvtntnQS .,,,1800 pm ,,._id lly 1111 Royal Yaclll 0.., Ptr1II ~llyllllAtlilaleryot -Aus!JW i . ..,. : I ,; 7 April 1984 / .,, •