Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

The Co uri e r-Mail 27 April 1984 17th century English lady joir~s gallery THE Quccnslan1 Art Gallery yesterday dis• µlayed one of its I~·est acquisitions, the Cornelius Jonson painting P1,rtrait of a lady, dated about 1640. The painting was bought late last year to sup– plement the gallery's English portrallurc collec• 1ion. The Queensland Art Gallery director, Mr Ra• oul :-1 :llish. said the painting was the earliest Engli,h portrait in the gallery's collection. A thorough conservation report showed the pa i,11ing was in remarkably good condition. It "'a• ac4u ired lhrough the Queensland Art Gal• lcry Found~11on with funds donated in memory of Mr J.B Reid . Mr Reid's widow and a daughter, Miss Lyndal Reid, were the among the first to view Portrail of a Lad)' al the gallery yesterday. Miss Rd d said her sister, Dr Barbara Bain, boughi 1hc portrail at a Christies auction in Lon• don . Mr Mellish said the gallery could not make public 1he value of the w rk. Cornelius Jonson, who was born in London in 1593 of Dutch parents, modelled himself on Mytcns and later Van Dyck. He left England in 'I643 because of the civil war and died in Holland in 1661. RIGHT: Portrait of a Lady, by Col'llflius Jonson, is viewed in lhe Queensland Art Gallery by Mrs J. B. Reid (left) and her daughter Miss Lyndal Reid. _,,. •