Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

•. The Co ur ier-Mai l 28 Apr il 1984 ·1 .,. - QUEENSLAND PUBLIC SERVICE QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY (P.O. 8011 686. South Brisbane 4101 Telephone 240 73041 ASSISTANT CURATOR LOCATION: 8t1sbene OIJAl.lf-tCATJONS A Oi9• 11'1 J.1r1i1 Atb or Art!. o, ~qu,_._,..,,, ll'ffl.-y ~ftellt()f'n A wtdl .no.tedgt of lhe l11MVf ol • t V•IICu'Mty Auu,tt"• n ~,, -tnd tect'lntq,ue!i, of .,, l a.p,w•~· '" ,.'loe.Ch itnd lbtttty to ,• ...,eh a,'l(j Wflllft ~1if'<>Q~ etllrfft;, WflC"• ,11nd m1t•lill tor 1h41 ~ . 11. PWI of the C,11~.,.·!i. Pubhc; ::=;;: ,t:::::. ~~~"'::'":~ "":O,t .~""~.~~ ll*tf' Pe,w,n-,11., .,,d lett ,n dl~,ng Wtlh the p ut,I ~ ::.-:::~:~\~OCI:~_,_,;: l~~~~Q~t ~=!~"t~~~ r-f,;, :r::...'cr=~.n~'Zt~ ."t.:.•,t~" ~~-":= wcn.1 0, _, to bi flCQutt-«::1 11'110 the Coltctf0tl, 1.:. ,c-h (o, .,_..,,. c,t~ cl t,_ COiiect- . ,,_ pa.,,n,ng - P'9P•.,aon of tn·hc,we e.thtb,101, and _,, c~11or..1w<n 1nvo,""'9 the f\ancltnrg of an ob,-ct,. Un01ttlk1 to, the 011ec1c.. W>K.., ,,.,..eh es feQuwtd. P,eo•• .,,11.t. bt01111Ph..~. ,nto,"'"'°" ......,,. Ind Cllliiogue en,,~, n ...,,,, ... C0nlrtbut@ JO tilt~, 0n lhe Colec:11on ~ ,.,,.Pot..., e1h1bth(W't!. H~~ C)Ubhc enotWIIH. ._._,, , tn ttle l dvc,.t,on PtC9Amme ltw<Ngh Publt<. lechlfH APPLOCA !IONS >ho.Mf Qvete r,o.,1,on ref•enco nu,nbor 417 V 114 dnd cont~ full P•ticu&., of neirne. .aa-..,. llille>hone ~ , d.111 of btrih. mw,1• ,111u1, OUlllrfuhOn,. ,._,.,_. ~ P,lf-e,lf emplovment Ind """'"""'g c- of i.twnonoo1, end t,_ - of two ,o1..- . f......,_ S"""d be ffi... od "Canltdon1o11·· end ho forw.,dod 10 ""' Adi.on- V-y ~., tile •-t,..., Oep.,,,-,t by 15 M,y 1984. ICJJ171,,. . : ~ .IJ9600C The courier-Mail 14 April 1984 s . 7 'j_/ .r . . ,.;-~-. ... .. Free Easter Con.cert Next Wednesday Night, 18 April at 6.00 p.m. Presented by the Queensland The~tre . Orchestra and th~ Queensland University Musical Society directed by Georg Tlntner. A ver special evening of Easter f"Uslc prese~ting Bach's l!aster Oratorio and Beethoven's Mass m C. Don't miss this outstanding evening's entertainment. A highli~ht,Aof t'~~d Music' Queensland Art Gallery s r programme for 1984. _ . SponsOfed by the Oueenslar1d Art Galier,society. Weekend Information: Telephone 240 7303. J Queensland Art Gallery Queensland Cultural Centre South Brisbane QallerJ Houra M~day 10.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. W • y lO. a.m.-8.00 p.m. ) The Co ur ier- Mail 28 April 19 Al IDU·Kr·riou J, QUEENSLAND PUBLIC SERVICE QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY (P.O. Box 686, South Brisbane 4101 Telephone 240 73041 ASSISTANT CURATOR LOCATION: 8t1sb,ne / · The Courier-Mail 26 April 1984 'OUEENSLAND ARTGALLERY SOCIETY PRESENTS . :1114 GERTRUDE LANGER LE~E "THE CULTURAL SITUATION OF BERLIN" BY RENE BLOCK TONIGHT I P.M. AUDITORIUM QUEENILAND ~TU~L CENTRE ·•·