Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

21 April Superb thoral concert THE Queensland Art Gallery was the venue for a very successful choral concert on Wednesday evening. The Queensland 1:Jni– versity Musical Society (director Colin Brumby} was accompanied by the Queensland Theatre Or– chestra in Bach's East~r Oratorio and Beethoven s Mass in C·major. From where I was posi– tioned, on the main ~n– trance level overlooking the lower gallery wh~re the performers were situ– ated, the sound of orch~s– tra and choir was magnif– icent and the balance most satisfying. Georg Tintner co_n– ductcd the program with great intensity and _ener– gy taking care of his ex– ceilen t soloists, Janet Dclpratt, Margaret ~us– sell Gregory Mass1ng– ha.,; and William Moxey. Ofthetwoworks, I felt that the performance of the ~ was more set– tled ,and ensemble more co !\<'rent. JOHN CO';"'ILL ,,· 1984 The Daily Sun 6 April 1984 QUIINILAND . AU OALl LIAV: South lank. South lrlt• Nne l'roJec:t Show. Aprll 1 to I 1Uropean ltchlng1 and L~tz h0 9 rapha. Aprll 1 to I 5. Auitralfan Conten1POra,, lt1l1" tars. Aprll 1 le. Mar I , f'z'"•~;. ~~~ 7CJ"/j, ._,II 4 to , IIICINT PAINTINGS IV JIAN IIAHY:Wo••· br Sindel,– ., Whlnon end loyd. Corttould Gallery, II -.411n1 llld, Sunn,. ta.nit.. Aorll I to 21. CINTIIA HOUSI GALLUllll1 23 lowd St, lowen Hilh, Ph 52 ?$22 l•hlblllon of N1tN'e Nlniinii tt, Mujorle 01nA)1. Aprll 1 lo 19, GALLOWAY GALUIIIU: Cnr Gt.. ory Tc;e ind lroOIIH St, Bowen HIIII ~h 52 1425. l• • hlblllon ol 0111. ••ttrc:olor, •;:,d f~•:~",T,' ,bc!. lllubeth Mo le • THI JAPAN IIOOM: Znd ~~••~2~ 7 ,~;f" r 5 • 1 hu!W!~":. Contemporery Japaneu ftrlnt• make,,. April 2 to 30 A~u•i91~::~, c1~~lot:. 1 ~f M0<nln91lcle, p~ lll 1100. 5-, ~~:: .~,~.~'.-~·1"'1.'!::.:•~ S,Mon MtLIM, lr~ Mardi 2~• The Courier-Mail 7 April 1984 Art and Maslc Free Eaeter Co • cert ' w......., •• Aprll ~.oo P·•· •Pr-.itld bv the 011ffnll • nd ThMtre Orche11r • • nd the OuHn • lancl Unlver • lty Mullc Soci • tv, le • d by Georg Tintner. ' A.,.., lpeci • I 8-llng'1 • nt1r11inm • n1 P,nenting B1eh'1 Elater Ci • tON • nd • llleclion of Beefhown'1 E11ter M •-. Sponsored by the Queensland Art Gallery Society S..ring limit«/. Bring• cushion G•llery CafatBriB is C1ptH1 for light mH/s •nd rt1frt1shments. Q••••la • d Art Gallery Qaee • elaad C • Jtaral Ce • tre South Brisbane Gall-,y Ho • re Mond • ,-Sund • y 10.00 • .m.-6.00 p,m, W • dn •• d • y 10.00 • .m.-8.00 p.m. Weekend Information: 1071 240 7303 u10,1c •