Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

• .. ,r The Courier-Mail 16 mus1ca A FREE Easter concert' at 6 p.m. on Wednesday will be the first of a series of concerts and recitals to be held in the Queensland Art Gallcey~ The Queensland Theatre Or– chestra, conducted by Georg Tintner, with the Queensland University Musical Society and ,soloists will present Bach's ·Easter Oratorio and Beetho– ven's Easter Mass in C. Soloists for the evening will be Janet Delpratt (soprano), Margaret Russell (mezzo– soprano), Gregory Massing– ham (tenor) and William Mox– ey (baritone). The Oratorio dates from 1736. ln_it, Peter and John, fol- lowed brJ.M-1t'<t,~l) t.JO t Jesus' tomltonEi1tcr-~enday. They find' that Jesus has risen from the dead and they express their joy at the Resurrection and desire to sec Him again. · (Light meals will be served on the Cafeteria Terrace). The gallery's 1984 "Art and Music" program will offer a range of music to echo the themes <Jf the art works on dis- p~y. . During autumn and winter chamber orchestras, poets, singers, musicians and interna– tional artists will perform there. A brochure giving full details of the coming artists is av"'}l– able from the gallery. ----- -- l . The Courier-Mail 18 April 1984 _:·. ,':_~i :. Free Easter Concert TONIGHT Presented by the Queensland Thea re Orchestra and the Queensland University Musical Society directed by Georg Tintner. . A very special evening of Easter music presenting Bach's Easrer Oratorio and Beethoven's Mass in C. Don't miss this outstanding evening's entertainment. A highlight of the Queensland Art Gallery's 'Art and Music' programme for 1984. Sponsore1 by lhe Queensland Art Gallery Sociely. Weekend lnlormalion: Telephone 240 7303. Queensland Art Gallery Queensland Cultural Centre South Brisbane Gallery Hou,. Monday-Sunday 10.00 e.m.-5.00 p.m. Wednesday 10.00 a.m.•B.00 p.m. u,wc . •· •