Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,- The Couri e r-Ma il . roQrt the , gali~rtes j . FOV.~Brl16'~0·1rtis11 are uh, gr.t.Jhe Thought Forms aflery, $0 Baynes Strec't, West End, llntil April 13. They arc Ja~. Oliver, Pe– ter Mohyluk, W11td1 Griffin and Neil Dcaney. The 11llery i, open daily from 12 to 6 p.m; **'* *** PROMINENT S~ney artists feature in a milloddhibition 11 the Youns M111er,a Gallery, 344 Queen StreeL They include: Rell Newell, Robert Hagan, Michael Taylor and Ron Van Gennip. The gallery is open Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. *** THE Wagner Art Gallery is holdin4 two solo Cllbibi1io111 un– til April 15. Romantic impreasioni,1 Ken– neth Willes di1playa his ,-:cccpt oil pa intinp and pa11el1. P.cr Garman-Vik hu an exhibition or oH paintings on the themo . "Nudes and Interiors". · Gallery houn ·are: Tuesday'· to Saturday 11 a.m. to .5,Jp . p,~. and Sunday I to .5 _p.m: *** "JUST fora Laup"i1thot1J1i or Simon Mclean', illu1tra'4Plf · uhibition at the Quecnal4iad: College or Art gallery, Foitoii' Street, ~orninpide. ~. 1 · .Jt features hi1 cartoon ~It "Animal Ocken", parodica or Australians in tb, form of kot• las, kangarooe and emus. The ellhibition i1 open: Mo~– Y 10 Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., nd Sunday 2 to S p.m, unw pril 8. ·· *** RTIST Jenny Cuerel i1 hav– 'na a "leaving Brisbane" c1thi– i1ion al Hang-Ups Print Gal– ery, Musgrave Road, Red Hill, 11 Saturday and Sunday.Sheis bowing 21 works composed or lchings and linocuts. Jenn>' p_l~ns to follow an art ~ 111 Sfdn!=Y• I . j • '.•i ·: . ,. I