Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

A viji1 to an art ·gal– lery or one of the state's historic homes would be something of a luxury fdt many usually busy women . Such places generally are open on Sundays. . For people living in Brisbane, a visit to Ormiston House could be a pleasant outing. It is one of the state's fin– est examples of low-set colonial architecture and a trip there can also prov ide a picturesque bayside drive. Galleries Historic Newstead House at Breakfast Creek could be an ideal place to visit for those planning lunch or din– ner at an inner-city or nearby suburban res– taurant. Art galleries will be open around the city and addresses can be found in the yellow pag– es of the telephone directory or watch for newspaper advertise– ments. The Queensland Art Gallery will have an ex– hibition of landscapes by Australian artist , Fred Williams, on Mothers' Day with works from the gallery's permanent collection. For those really bereft of ideas for an in– dulgent Mother's Day, there is always the op– tion of taking her to a film .. . on a picnic (packed by the rest of the family, of course) .. . a drive lo the moun– tains or nearby coastal _!C<MI~. - The Co u ri e r-Ma i l 28 Ap r i l 19 84 QueenslandArt Gallery Wednesday Nights! This wtwk A, I Jnd Mu~,<.: An Jncl Poi,try Wt><.Jnesday 2 M.,y ,tl 6 00 p rn . The '.:irr'\ixrier11mce ·' tJkcs on i1ew dirnens1ons wtwn we explme the rela1,onsh,p l>er~een :he ar11st!j· irna~wry ,Hl(I n,nf1•1Tlf HJ1 ,HY AlJ~,1,.d,.1,1 (lllJ ~ IL J' HJ pOt:lly Dr Phd1p Trurn.in uf ttu! Ou1•1~11~1.1,i<J Con~l'fVtJtoru,,'n of r.llu~,c and Mr Tony Gl.11! 1, orn Ille U111irf!r s1ly of Queensland D,ip;u 1rr,·nl o f fxte1n;1I Studw ~- v.. d1 pre~ent Jn t?vt'n1n~J° ~ cntert;11run1•nr foc u•-.. ') CJ on rhe work of ;"\11<;1 rali.ir• ContPmpordry .irt1•,t•, . •·