Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

r r .. k... -~ PRll\el I [ ; 11 PORC[LAIII - Venue as fol lows: ft)'j 7 ill SAl 26 it,m~ of 'L ~-~ . C 11 ·1 TKREAD TAPESTRY - Venue as fol lows: 101' 7 n ~A 12 s ,~fi"• ier~ S ore JIJ(t',:.Lfi',O l(AJ!![R - 1 /l•nue s. tnl Im•,,;: 10', 10 ~A 2 llbra ,·1 , StC'\~a r 'l . ·LIMPS(5 ~f ,1['IRY LA SOIi • ' enue ,,s fo 110>•/S: ·10:~ 7 ~,J ~AT I Z C0411nonwea I h li11ni ,CHrJOL 1IJC~~: ",,J• ,..." , 'i t'' ',... • +,·' '• .t'• ·, ·,· ·. , ,.,•·1• ! · ··' :• ··•.· . nn w Sor 1nqsurl' Yeppoon MC '· IV GUliAR - Jan c,, ,.te,· - WtHWlC~ and r..,tton school s - lues I LO fri 11 Jun,•, ?OA ORt.S r:'JMPAHY • f)u iJns land ThelllrC C.ompa,1y - 0111"1 inq llO\mS & ~Of.Id primi11·y t1nd ,ec.onda,·;,, -.choo\s - es 1 o Fr 1 25 Jun . Tit[ TAR 1A IC Sil!OW • fH' ..Y Dans ie - (';ympie , Ide !lay 1, Uundabrrg p r11•1\11·y c.chooh lues o rr, 2~ J nt- . LiAUCtS 01 It ...QRLD - he •11 le1 Pcp(• rlOlfC' Charclctc.r Oanrn Cnmpan - llocl hM111to11' 'i ladstone" Ca ll1 de V"l ley schoo ls - Tues 1 to Frl 25 June. · ARSHALL & "I S L(CTRDll! C MUS IC !IACll lrlf - C,1i,·ns & lab le lands schools Tues I o rr1 25 Jun• , , ... HE. RIVAL r l'I ~ - th~ Poul t01l /lar 10ne ttes - South-West Our'nsli111d, r.ulf of (-1 11,C!r\lt~ ' Ii " Cape Yor~ schoo ls • Tues I to Fri 25 J un ~1',0 ltl tl[ ATTL[ • fon1 and Royce • '•tount Isa c.choo ls - !ton 14 to Fri 2!> ,lune • [nqu1ries 22 1-S 00). 1ur s IUES 1,[0 SUN WED lllURS 24 IUI S rR I ,r~ ,Al 12 THUU!. 17 fRI 18 ,;,n ----- BUNOABERG PUPPt TS ON PARADE • 0uCL1Slltnd Mationette Thc,ltre preselltat;on 8unc1aberg Civic Centre at 10 am. lL JD am & I p~. fAI~ TH£ UPSTAIRS GALLERY, IJA Shi Ids St, Cairns - (51-61 50) - ' 11,e T,acey 's Australians " - Open dL•ring offi ce hours including Sat urday u, t i I Sat 12 June. T()M;w - The Roe..- Opera - presented by the New Moon Theatre Company • Director , Peter Ba rc1ay - Desi gner, Anthony Babicc1 - Ca irns Cfv fc Centre - Night ly at 8 pm; Mat, Sat at 2 pm - Adults SIO. Stud . & Pens . SS - Book fns> (51-32 111 - unlfl Sat 5 June . ALL GROUPS CONCERT - presented by Cai rns Youth Orchestra Soloist . Dr Anthony Doheny (violin) - T.A.f .L College Hal l , Cai rns at 8 pn - Enquiries (53, 2630) . A. 8. C. SUBSCRIPTI ON ORCH[STRAL CONC[Rl - Queensland Symphony Orchest ra conducted by fHkh us Wyss - So lnfs t , Cha nn1lln Gtldd ( vi ol in ) • C.afrns Civi c Centre at 8. 15 pm. CAIRNS JUV(IIIL[ [ IST[DOfOD - Ca irns Ci vi c Centre ·• unti l Sat 3 July [nqu I ries, John O•Donne 11 ( 51-4522) . CL lf_TJ~I Cll r!Oil SII IR[ COUIICIL AR! fil llfi l ! IO!I - pres ntcd by Cl,l tun A•·t Group - Cuunrl l Cht1111h1!f°S, Cl ifton - /Ion to r ,· I , 9 ,w1 LO~ lllll - unt 1l fn 25 June• G_Al_Tl!j PU! ![HY LXMIUIT ION by erard Li vsey - Gatton Mercury lheatre, North St, Gat ton - Fr!. 10 am to 4 pm: Sdl. 8.30 am to 10.30 om: Tu s . 10 •r.1 :> 4 pm o,- by 11 r,-angeme11t - (nquides (62-1 252 ) • unt il F'ri 25 June. @~OS 1.Qtl_l PUPP(TS ON PARADE - Queens land f1adonet te Theatre present.iti on Gladstone Ci ty Thea tre at 10 am , II. JO an, & I pm. _Q_LD COAS_T Tll[ IIOM[ COIII NG by Harold Pinter • Di rector . Joyce G•·•nt - Gold Coast Li tt le Theatre presentati on - Scubor.ougt'I Street Theatre, Southport • Tul.'!. o SH , H O ;,n, - Hno~incJ.; ill Phocn, ,· rr.-m lnq (37- 96S) . urit fl ~,it 3 July. PUPP[T!) ON PARAO( - Oueens land llaf"ionette Theatre p,-esenta t on • ,:;, ni CircMt hl1ll, f'. iami tllgh Schoo l . Today A f"n 18 June at 10 am . 11. 30 . , ; pn. fi( Cl TAL by l,e 11 1 n Po~1cr ( p 1 ano) - presented by the Aus t,·d l 1an Sac f ety for Keyhoard Music (Gold Coast Orsnch) - St HI Ida 's Schou!, High St, Southport at 8 pn1 - ~du lt s 57. Stud . & Pen s. SJ .50 - [,1qul r ies (38- 5309). 'i'!!lli PUPP( TS ON PARAO[ • Quecns ldnd M1lrfonettc Theatre Pf°CSen tation tti1m1 I ton tlall , Gy1'lpi t.! Hi !Jh Schoo l 1t 10 ,1m. 1 I."" ani ! 1 fill. IPSii!.Ctt Tlt[/\TRE R(STAURANT - Progr.imme inc ludes "1'ri,l1 by JuryM• other Gilbrrt t1nd Sull iviln excerpts - St flil t'y ' s Hllll , ( lizat'let h St. lpsw1ch - Tonighl & Sat 5 June at 8 pm - fnqufde s (281 -73 10 o/11 ) . .. •