Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

r E , 2 r SUN SAT WED MON WED MON THURS FR! SUN t-011 FR! FR! FR! SAT fRI MON 111[5 W[O 11 16 11 13 II 18 1, 16 14 MIN I PIPE BAND CONTEST - conducted by the Thistle Pipe Band - Band Ha ll, Lion St, Ipswich - Enquiries (281-1912). !PSWICH GRAMMAR SCHOOL ART EXHIBITION - Teaching Comple>, Ipswich Grarrmar - Opening today at I.JO pm - Thereafter: Daily, 8.30 am to S pm - until Sat 19 June - Enquiries (281-3566). OLIVER - presented by Ipswich Orpheus Choral e - Director, Col in Payne - Musical Director, George Hogg - Ipswich -Civic Hall - Nightly at 8 pm; Mat , Sat at 2 pm - Admission SS, S4 & S2.SD - Bookings at Hall I 181-0899). PUPP[TS ON PARADE - Queens land Marionette Theatre presentation - Ipswich Civic Hall at 10 am, 11 . 30 am & I pm . IPSWICH JUNIOR EISTEDDFOD - Adjudication of entries In the Bal let Tap sections - Ipswich Civic Hall - until Sat J July - Enquiries I 281-0899 I . r.IIIGAROY PUPPETS 011 PARADE - Queens land Marionette Theatre presentation Town Hal l , Kingaroy at 10 am, 11 .30 am & 1 pm. MACKAY LUIICH TIME CONCERT - Theatre Royal, Mackay at 12 .JD pn - Enquiries (Sl-2888) . IIACKAY FILM SOC ![TY SCREENINGS - Enquiries, Pam Row (SS-I Ill) : Tonight : !IIFERNAL TRIANGLE, TO ntE PEOPLE OF TH[ WORLD and NTRODUCT!DN TO THE EIIEMY. Fri II : RASHOMON and Fri 25: HORSE FEATHERS . QU[[IISLANO DAY ACTIVIIIES - inc ludes art and craft displays , pottery, spinning and "Early Queensland" displays - John Oreen Park, North llackay from 12. JO pm - Enquiries (51-2888). A.B. C. SUBSCRIPTION ORCHESTRAL CONCERT - Queensland Symphony Orchestra conducted by lliklaus Wyss - Soloist, Charmain Gadd (vi olin) - Theatre Royal, Mackay at 8. 15 pm. FAMILIAR sourrns - presented by Mackay Musi cal Comedy Players - Farle igh Tavern, Mackay - Tonight & Sat 12 June atB pn. TOMMY - The Rock Opera - presented by the New Hoon Theatre Canpany Di rector , Peter Barclay - Designer, Anthony Babied - Theatre Roya l, Mackay - Tonight at 8 pm & Sat 19 June at 5.30 pm & 8.30 pm - Adults 510 , :; tud. & Pens . SS - Booki ngs (51-1275). LUNCH TIM[ CONCERT - The,tre Roya l, Mackay at 12.JO pm . HIGHLAND DANCE SEMINAR - Enqui r ies (51-2888). MARYBOROUGH PUPPETS ON PARADE - Queensland Marionette Theatre present11tion - Town Ha ll, Maryborough at 10 am, II. JO am & I pm. WI OE BAY ART EXHIB IT ION - sponsored by Maryborough Cl ty Count 11 and Wide Bay Art Soc iety - Official Openi ng, tonight - Admissi on $2 - Thereafter: Tues IS to Sat 19 June - City Hall, Kent St , Maryborough ROCKHAMPTON PUPPETS ON PARADE - Queensland Marionette Theatre presentation Pflbeam Theatre at ID am, II.JO am & I pm - Admission 12 . ROCXHAHPTON ART GALLERY, Victoria Pde, Rockhampton - (27-6444) Annual National Trust Antiques Di s play - until Wed 9 June - lowns ,ille Coll ege of Art Exhibit ion - Wed 16 to Wed JO June - Mon to Fr i , 10 am to 4 IJ1I; Wed, 7 pm to 8. JO pm; Sun , 2 pm to 4 I"'· ,,. FR! SAT WED SUN THURS TUES TUES rnuRs MON TUES TUES FR! SAT SUN l·ON TUES 12 23 27 10 15 21 22 8 A.8 .C. SUBSCRIPTION ORCHESTRAL CONCERT - Queensland Symphony Orchestra conducted by Niklaus Wyss - So loist, Charmai n Gadd (viol in) Pllbeam Theatre at 8.15 pm . THE BRISBA/1[ GAliG SIIOW - presented by the Queens land Scout Assocldt1on - PI !beam Theatre - Tonight at 8 I"' & Sun 13 June at 2 pn & 8 pm - [nqui rles I 17-4111) . TOMMY - The Rock Opera - presented by the New Moon Theatre Company - D1r~ctor, Peter Barclay - Designer, Anthony Babi c i - Pilbeam Theatl'e - Nightly at 8 pm - Adults SIO, Stud. & Pens. 55 - Bookings (27-4111) - untl 1 at 26 June. CONCERT by Sir Harry Secombe - Pilbeam Theatre at 8 pm . SUNSHINE COAST PUPPETS ON PARADE - Queensland Marionet te Theatre presentat ion - Civic Hall, Nambour at 10 am, II.JO am & I pm. PUPPETS ON PARADE - Queensland Marionette Theatre presentation Civic Cultural Centre, Ca loundra at 10 am, II.JO arn & I pm. TOOWOOMBA TROJAN WOMEN by Euripides Perform~nce presentation - Director, Rllla Stephens - Arts Theatre, Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education - Mon to Sat, at 8 pm - Adults SS. SO, Cone. S2. 50 - until Sat 12 June - Enquiries (J0-1300) . PIIOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBI TION by Glen O'Malley - Arts Theatre Foyer, Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education - until Fri 25 June . A.8.C, SUBSCRIPTION RECITAL - Paul Badura-Skoda (piano ) - City tla ll, ToowoPl11ba at 8.15 pm. PUPPETS ON PARADE - Queensland Marionette Theatre presen tation - City Hall, Toowoomba - Today, Wed 23 & Thurs 14 June at ID am , II.JO am & I pm. TOWNSVILLE MAGNIFICENCE - a Surrnerstock production - Townsville Civic Theatre - Tonight & Wed 2 June at 8 pm - Adults 16.50, Stud . & Pens . 5) .50 - Enqui ries ( 72-2677) . TIIE PERC TUCKER REGIONAL GALLERY, F·I lnders Ma11 , Townsv ii le - (72-2560) - Townsvllle Pacific Festival Exhibition presented by Townsv111e Art Society, North Queensland Potters Association and Fibres and Fabrics - until Mon 14 June . Recital by The Frank Carroll Madrigal Singers on Thurs 10 June (evening) . "Li nes, Circles and Squares " - Abstract display of original prints from Canada - Wed 16 to Sat 26 June. Tues, Wed, Fr\ & Sat, 10 am to S pm; Thurs , 2 pm to 9 pm; Sun, 2 pm to S pm . A NIGHT OF DANCE - presented by the North Queens land Ballet Comparty in conjunctfon with Townsville Pacific Festival . Townsv ille c;vi c Theatre at 8 pm - Adults S7 .50; Stud., Pens . & Child . $4 - Bookings at theatre (72-16 77) • CONCERT by David Blumenthal (piano) - Townsville City Council presentation• Works by Bee thoven, Gershwin & Others - Townsville Civic Theatre at B. IS pm . CONCERT by Diana Bryant -· Townsvi!le City Counc i I presentation - Works by Strauss, Debussy & others - Townsvi lle Civi c Thea tre at E,?11. A.B.C . SUBSCRIPTION ORCHESTRAL CONCERT - Queens land Symphony Orchestra conducted by Niklaus Wyss - Soloist, Charmain Gadd (viol in) - Townsv\11e Civic Theatre at 8. 15 pm. 13 ,. .J