Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

r HIUHS 10 n ..rt Jr TOI '·1Y - The Rock Opera - presented by the tlew lloon Theatre Co 1 npany - 0 1n~c or, Pet r 81u·c lay - Des igner, Anthony Babicci - Trn"ns vi I le Civi c The,1 ,·c - ro,n ghl. Fri II, Mon 14 t, Tues IS at 8 pm & Sa t 12 June at 5 pm g 8.30 ''" - AdullS 110, Stud . & Pens . 15 - Booki ngs (72-2677 ). TtJ',111'.,I/ ILL[ Clll(MA GROUP I CR(CN INGS , Wa rr ina Cinema , Oa l rymp le Rd, ru ,·,·!'tJUll!') - Mumhe•·~hip av,1l \<1b l c at Gr uy' s llooki nr Aqen cy , W4 lto11s , I I I r1U1• r\ Ma 11: lun •~ll l : D01"11LL !IIOIMlll!Y and GAI LI G/1!'. Tllurs 24: 11111 MAIi MUi l DI[ and JONAII WllO I/ ILL UC 25 II/ TH[ Y[AR2000. Un1 lll'J Chu.-ch Ila \\ Screeni ng : TH[ S(V(NHI S[ Al - Thurs 17 June. ALL Jl AP~ JA/l COIICtHT - lowns.v l I le Civ ic Tt1e,1tre at 8 lllll - [ nqu !,•il's (72- 2 71). A1:r,p1r.1:,~L Nlll II LAIIOrH OAI/C[ THEATRE - ProgranTile of modern j azz , e tl1111 c ditlll • Y, drama - pn.:,;c11ted hy row11sv i I le City Cuunc I I ,. 'J11t•t•11S l,H1U /\, '-' (out11.1I - lrn·msvilll• C.ivi c. l hc11Lrc! ,1L 8 p111. (.(Jf,C P tiy [t1 rly Mus1t Duo - Muslca V1v,1 prt 1 sentaLi on - Tow11s v1 ll c C i v i( T !1C,1 t'f' 3L k, I r, 11111. COU'/l P.Y r.ALLLRlf $ A'11l MIJ',El'MS \HIii CON!IIIUOIIS<.Y CIIAr<G IIIG OR PERMAN[l\1 lil< llll l 10115 : ;.a, - ~u,-rJe ~ 111 A,·t ,rJt:IC [ 1h11n 10n , Ayr Sl11re Counc1l Ch,1111tJer-·s , Vour1g SL. Ayr - !·'ort i.O rr1 . 10 dm t o a 1Jj11. U£AUO[S(Rl - Tilt:' L1nt1•say ,,11cry , 7 Ur ,sb,rnc St. OCH'llldCsc rt - (41- 1H97) - Fri to ,. n, IO •m to 4 prn . t.~E'1LE lGH • •, 1 nOd r·on C.o t a')C Pottt r/ t, A, 1 t Ga11 e,·y, Ueenlcigh/lJea udcse r Rd, ,.J111darou • (21!7-! IJ 01 - hurs to Sun , 10 dm to S pm orb)' arrangement t;. ILUt L.A. iJr-onu ~11 \h•r , 'll d UrJtter Factory , Cnr Washpool & Ci1 llide '•V~ . ll llocla i92-1003J - rues c, rl'I . 11 a111 to 7.30 ?"1, tlLACKWAT(R - 5, tudlr) Ix , Arts Jnd Cl'afts Huil di ng , (v()nS St , OltJckwate ,· - fl"i , 10 am ·o 12 "o{)n . •· lnt ·• - i.HMi•u •t 1•, 1_, 11 ·1r. t1I '>11d1• y M11•,cu1o1 , rl r.onlon '1 • t:ii-..11•n - /11111 to r.-1 . HJ . 30 ,111 1 I.I, 1 . 10 11,11 ' HI • . I pm II 1 J !JIii flf by ,11·r,1nrwnH211 ' bf1 11 lll - 1.J, t , y111pli• (i,1111• ,y . 1l,1rh11ur l\01lf<I Hu1ld1r11J. ttrflh.'rt •. l1,1\ ,·vm1 1 l1• '> l'- . l't1111•11 • ,s:,-1 31.: - Tlwrt, , 11 an o pm: Sd, 10 am o 12 noou . 1;1 1 1,.,,,i _ 1.1•, r,., llt• ,·y. 1 ir1 llt•r"tie,· ~ . ll111·1c11 - Wtir! n r,·i . 1. 10 1M11 tn 5 . 30 pi,1 ; ThufS , I J(J P'' 0 'J 1,111 . H i • 'J Llfll tt1 11 . m u\U. ,tt:~1 fSLA'IO - Aus rdl1,l Ttitiatre w cJ.: illld Ar t s Festival Ar t G11l le ry l lnL. Ian i i-,,;_i,i t.fl '' ' · •,. ,,,- 1,)I f, ,, ,,.tl l•·ff J, 11/n'olf/ !\ I '1 · · Hhn<Ji'l fl'I', B~1 tdr l f,l,1n<I Mon 11 1 n+:d , IJl'I Lf.J d ,.)111 , flu11·!J ,. Fr i , 10 d111 l(J I llnt : Sa tl111 to 17 noon . ,~JB I ISLAID. e ,·lb 1e ls l•nd Room . 10 aa,·.-agl I s ' B,·ib ie Is land - (48- 734 ) - s,,t ~,.. 111 - t') i 1 Paint.lfliJS by '1. P.od \n!;) . , ·:oAU(RG - ,,11amanda A.-l ,1lle.-y. 40A 1/ot S . r10.-v1ll • (71 -29 74 ) - 1ues lo I• lJ ar, o prn. J',OABERG - Uundaoe.-9 Ar Ga lle.-y, Old Schoo l of Arts Uui ldln , llou.-bong Sl , · ,ndab r g. ~t.OvLfUP.E. - l\-ul'pengt1ry Potters ' G11ll ,·y , 4 Pr ogress Hd , Uurpc11gc.11"y - (204-1 79 ) - · ,1.•s o ~un . 10 am to 4 pm. /,i1flrn !IHi - he ~tudi o Art Gal lery, 42 King St, Cabool turc - (9 1 .1- 2fM4 ). AIR'• > - In,· JDst•11·s Ga llery, llA Shi elds St , Cairns - (51-6150) - Mr111 to Fri , .30 11111 o 5.00 p11: Sat, 9 ~"' to 12 noon, Sun. by appoin ment . ' HO:•JCLL • A1'1lhone Tree Arl Gallery, 235 Vi ctor ia 5 reel. Cordwe l l - (66 - 8552) '1on t u Fr1. :S.:m am to 4 µm: Sun, 10.30 ilm to '> pm. C-fARTfRS TO'.-.'( RS - The Assay Roan & f!ining Museum. Stock Exch,1nge Arcade. Ch1rte rs ·o1~er::.. - • ~s t o Sun . 10 a1·1 to 12 noon l, J r,m to 5 pm . ,. I CHARTERS TOWERS - The Folk MuseL111, Mosman St, Charters Towers· Mon, Wed & F.-1, 10 am to 12 noon; Sun, 2 JXll to 4 pm or by arrangement . Cl!ARTCRI TOWERS - The Venu s Battery, Charters Towers & Dalrymp le Oevelopment Bureau , Gi ll St , Charters l ower5 - Sat , 1 pm to 3 pm or by arrangement . Clll t!Cl!ILLA - Chinchi lla & Distric t Muse1111, Villiers Sl, Chi nchil la· Da l ly, 10 am o !:> pm. COOMlllYA - Bellevue Homes t ead, Coo111 inya (via llrisbane / 1lil / Highway ) - (86-4209 ) Thurs to Mon, 10 am to 5 pm - Adults St. Chi ld , 50c - Conducted tours. CRO./S ll(ST - Carbethon Fol k Museun , Thallon ll , Crows lles t - (98-4162) - Sun , I pm to 5 piu , 01' by arrangcmcn t . CMERALD - Gemfie lds Art Gal ery, Gall ery Sl, Willows - Mon to Fr!, 6.30 "'' to 8. 30 <•' ; Sa t & Sun, 10 am lo 4 pm . GATTON - Win Oc1vson Art Gallery. f,'ercury Thc,Hrc, No rth St , Gilt ton - (62-1 252) - Wed & Thurs , 2 pm to 6 pm: Fd. 10 am to 2 pm. GATTON - Gatton and Dis tri c t Historical 11useum, rreemans Rd, Ga tton - Sun, 1. 30 pm to 4 pm. GAVNOAtt - Jindilh Ga llery, 59 Coppe r St , Gayndat1 - ( 324 ) • rues to r rf, 9 am to 5 pmo Sa t, 9 am to 12 noono Sun, I ~ to 5 pm and by appoi ntment. GLADSTOII[ - Gladstone Art Ga ll ery, 144 Goondoon St, Glads tone . GLAOS10N[ • Island Cra fts, Wild Cattle Is land, via Glads tone - Da i ly , vari rus hours . G,"OSTON[ - Potters' Place Gallery, Dawson Highway, Gladstone - (72 -3514 a/h) • Wed to Fri , 11 am to 4.30 p,-1 or by arrangement. GOLD COAST - Art and Craft Ga l \ery, "Jordan!; Fam,tiouse" , Piggabeen Rd , Currumbi n Va ll ey - (34-2682) - Fri to Sun , 10 am to 5 pm. GOLD COAST - Barry' s Art Gall ery , 34 Orchi d Ave, Surfers Paradise - (31-5252) - Tues to Sa t, I pm to 6 pm. GOLD COASl - The Broadbeach Ga ll ery, 2783 Gold Coas t Hi ghway, Broadbeach - ( 38- 2235), GOLD COASl • Burleigh-1-\iami Cra ft Gall ery, 1910 Gold Coas t Highway, Miami - (35-11666) - Dal ly, 10 am t o 5 pm. GOLD COAS I - Coo langa t t a Pottery and Craft , Shop 5, Lower Leve 1, 70 Gri ff i lh It. Coolangat ta - (36--,596) - llon lo Sat, 10.30 am lo 5 p,n. GOLD COAST - John Cooper's Eight Be lls Gallery , 3016 Gold Coast Highway, Surfers Paradi se - (3!-554fl) - Tues to Sat, l I am lo 5. JO pm . GOLD COA3\ - FlorN t Ga lleri es, Cnr Pi ndari & [lanora Urive, Koal .-1 Pa rk, Ourleigh \leads - (35-1875) - Sun, 3 pm to 5 pm; Mon to Sat , 10 am to 5 pm. !,OLD COAll - lkklna Ga ll e ry, llount Tamhor ine Rd , Upper Coomera - (33-1 286) - Daily, 10 am to 5 pn1, GOLD COAST - Javeen-B •h Craft and Art Ga ll ery, Cnr Pri ce & Whi te Sts, Nerang - (58-2353) - Dai ly, 10 am t o 5.30 pm. GOLD COAST - r.aylyn Ga ll eries, 19 The Hub Arcade , Cavill Ave, Surfers Paradise • (38-5617) - non to Sat , 9 am to 5. 30 pm . GJLO COAi! • Pioneer House, Advance town, via Nerang - Daily, 10. 30 am to 4.30 pm . GOLD COAST - Qu inja Pottery, Mudgeeraba Rd, Bur leigh Heads - (35-3209 ) - Wed to Fri, 2 p-n to 5 pm; Sat, 10 am to 1 pm & 2 pm t,1 5 pm. GOLD CMS! - "The Sa It Box" , 189 Long Rd, Eag le Heights, Mount Tan-l>orine - (45-1156) - Wed to Sun & Publi c Ho l idays , 9 am to 6 pm - ([name ls by Doreen Wendt-Weir) . GOLD COAST - "Olde Co lonial Inn " Art Ga llery, Spr lngbrook Rd, lprl ngbrool - (33-5200 ) - Da ily , 10 am to 6 pm . ~OLO COAST - Studio Zero Gall e ry, Beachfront, 1 Ven ice St, Mennaid Beach - (31-6109 ) - 1 ,u,·s to Sun, 10 am to 5 pm . GOONO!Wlt\DI - Customs House , Museun, I McLean St, Goondiwi nd i - Da ily , 10 am to a pm. 25 \ .. .J