Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

r C,Q()'IQIWIIOI - Guny, Crafts , llerbert St, Goondlw1nd i -lion to Fri, 9 am to 51>11: Sat, 9 am to 12 noon. GYliP I[ - Bimbadean At't Gallery , Smerdon Rd , Gympi c - Daily In the afternoon and evening. GYIIP I( - Go ld Reef Ga ll ery, Reef St, Gyrnpie. GY/.lPI( - t11stor1cal ~nd Min1 n9 Museum, Monk.land, via Gympie - Oa Ily, l 1)11 to 4 pm and by a rrangemc1 t. HARRIS ILLE - 1ar-r\ svi lle and Dis tri ct Historical Society Folk Museum , Queen St, llarri sv i ll e - (67-1 325) - Sun , I pn to 5 pm and by arrangement . llERV(Y BAY - Munson Ga ll ery, 472 Es planade, Shelley Beach - (28-9292) - Tues to Frf . 10 am to 4.30 pm ; Sat & Sun, 2 pm to 5 pm. I III ISFAIL - Ga ll ery ll , 33 Rank in St, Inn, fai l. IPSWICH - City of Ipswich Art Ga ll ery , Cnr Nichol as and Limestone Sts , Ipswi ch· 1280-9810) • Tues to Fri , 10 am to 2 pm; Thurs , 7 pm to 9 pm; Sat., 10 am to 12 noon. IPSWICH - Claremont , la Ml I ford St, Ipswich - (281-7377) • Property of the National fru!.t of Queens land - Open to g,-oups inc ludi ng school 9roups by ,1rrc1nge111t'nt - contact he r~!:. ldent C.U!. lodidll. IPSW ICH - Oingley Dell Ga ll e ry, 10 Pine Mountain Rd, North Ipswich - (281-7004 ) Daily, 9.3 am to 4.JO I'"• IPSWICH - Pood le Potte ry, H Clc"I St , Brassa ll - (201-8420) - Open dal ly. JIMB001'13A - '1acLcar1s Arts and C•·,, · s Centre, Beaudesert Highway , Macleans Bridge , J11nboomba (46-9393) - Sa t, Sun i Pub l ic Holidays, 9 am to 5 pm. JU!lDAR't'Ml • Ou11ma l l Mu~cu11~ Dr ookv.:, le Pa rk, Off Warrego ltfghway, Jondaryan - (91-l471i , )aily, 9 a111 to 5 pm - Admiss ion free. JQrlOARYAN - fhe Jonddryan WClo lshed . ,Jond1ryan, vi tl loowoomba • {92- 2229) - Dai ly, 10 am to 4 pm - Conducted Tour~ o 10.30 ""' · I p•n & J pm on Weekends, llubl ic & Schoo l Ho I i days. KINGAR0Y - Ki nga,.oy Art Gal lery , Glendon St , Kingaroy - Mon to Fri. 10.30 c1m to 4. 30 pm. LOUGR(AC - Longreach Cul tura l Association Ga llery, The Cent1·e , Ibi s St , Longreach llon to Fri . LOWOOD - Folk A.-t Co-operative, 8 Railway Street , Lowood • (66-822 1). MACKAY - Forbes Ga llery, 68 George Stree t, Mackay - (57-6837). IAR((BA - The Cra ft Shop , 155a Wa l sh St, llareeba - (92- 1466) • Mon to Fri or by arrangernen t. Ill LES - Mi les and District Muse11n1, lluri Ila St , MIies - (192) - Da il y, 9 am to 5 pm. PITTSWORTH - Pittsworth and Distri ct Folk Museum, 28 Hill St, Pittsworth - (93-1 478) - Sun, 2 !)ltl to 5 rim or by arrangement. HUCY.HAMPTQI/ - Gal le,·y Up fop. 248 Quay St. Rockhampton - 127-1928) - Tues to Frf, 10. )0 dm to 4.J0 pm ; Sdl , 9 am to 12 noon. ROCKHAMPTON - Rockhampton Art Ga llery, Victor ia Pde, Rockhampton - (27 -6444 ) • Mon to Fri . 10 am to 4 pm: Wed , 7 pm to 8 .30 prn; Sun, 2 ~1 to 4 pm . ROCKHAMPT()'I - Royal Queens land Art Society Ga ll ery IRockhampton Branch), Refds Cul tural Centre, Cnr East & Derby Sts, Rockhampton - (27-3068). S!ANTIIORP( Fo lk Museum, Warwi ck Rd , St ,1nthorpe - Sat & Sun , 2 pm to 4 pm. .. f\lHIt1RPf - Stantt10,-pc Arl Ga 11 cry. Shi re Chilmhcrs, Stiinthorpe - Mon to Fr i , 9 am to :., pm. S ,ISH IN[ COAST - !he Artis t 's Pale t te , 9 Blacka ll St, Woombye - ( 42-1667) - Tues to r n , ? t1rn o ; pm; '>,H, 9 am lo 12 noon . lJUSt1 Iii( COAST - l!e n t'.emp' s Ga 11 ery of Sdnd Ptt int lngs, 209 Uradman Ave, Maroochydore 143-2323) - rues o Sat , 9 am t o 4 pm. - .. I SUIISIIINE COAST - Big Shell Sand Painters Gallery , Gymple St, Tewantin • (47-1268) Da i ly, 9 am to 5 pm . SUNSHINE COAST - Blue Marble Fi ne Arts Gallery, Burnett St, Buderim - (45- 1515 ) - Mon to Frl, 10 am to 4 pm; Sat , 9.30 am to 12 . 30 pm . SUIISIIINE COAST - Buderim Gallery, Burnett St , Buderim - 145-2704) - Dai ly, 10 am to S prn. SUNSH IN[ COAST Dc 'Lis le Ga llery, The Village Green , Montvi lle. Tues to Sun, 11 om to 5 pm. SUNSll!N( COAST • De Vere Gal lery, Cot tontree - Mon to Frl, 10 a~ o 4 pn. SUNSHINE COAST Gal lery Alpha, Cnr llorton Pde & Golf St, llaroochydore - (43-2693) Mon to Sat, ID am to 4. 30 j>11. SUNSIUN( COAST • Ga ll ery Bet,, 2 First Ave, Coloundra (opposite Golden Beach turnoff) - (91 -4077 ) - Tues to Sun, 10 am to 4.30 pm. SLmSH IN( COAST - Janet Hall's Studio, "Capta i n' s Corner" , Mapleton Rd, llambour - (41 -2893 even ings). SUNSII IN[ CDASI - Maleny Arts and Crafts Group Ga llery, L.J . !looker Building, 32 Maple StrePt, Ma leny - Mon to Sat , 11 am to J pm. SUNSHl.~E COAST - llanu Craft Gallery, 13 Gympie Tee, Noosavil le - •149-7506) - Tues to Sat , 11 c1rn to 5 prn or by appointment. ~UNSII IN( COAS I • lloosa Shire Council Art Ga ll ery, Pe l ican St , Tewant1n • (49- 79!0 ) Da ily, 10 am to 5 pm. SU~SHIN( COAST • "No. 504 " Pottery and Paintings, 504 Suncoas t Boulevard, Marcoola (oppos ite Sur f Air Hote l) - (48-7263) - Daily , 10 am to 5 pm. SUMSII IN[ COAST· Quaillee Homestead Ga llery, Old Caloundra Rd , Caloundra • (91 -2034) Thu rs to Tues, 10 aM to 4 pm. SUIISIIIII( COAST· The Strand Gall ery, Cnr Bui ock St and Kno, Ave, Ca loundra • 191-4619) - lion to Sat, 9.30 am to 5 1>11· SUNSHINE COAST • Sunshine Art Gallery, Boreen Point, Lake Cootharaba , Noosa Everglades • 185-3153) - Tues to Sun, 9.30 am to 5. 30 pn. SIJISlflrl( COAST - Weavers Croft Colon ial Craft Studio, Lot I, flandroya• Sunrfse Rd, Cooroy - 146-777 1) . Wed to :ton, 9.30 am to 12 noon & 2 1>11to41>11. THURSDAY ISLAIID - Torres Strait Art Shop, Doug I as St, Thursday Is land - (184) - Mon to Fri , 8.30 am to 5 pm; Sat, 9 am to 12 noon. TOOWDOMOA - Crea the 92, 92 Margaret Street, Toowoomba - (31-8779 ). TOOHOOl18A •. Dar ling Downs Antique and Art Centre, 121 West St, Toc,,oomba - (38-1411 ) • Dai ly, 9 11111 to 5 pm. TOOWOOlllA - D01,ns Gallery and Arts Centre, Greyhound Terminus Bu i !ding, 135 Margaret St, Toowoomba - (32-4887) - Mon to Sat, 10 am to 5 pm; Sun, I.JO? " to 5 1>11· TOOWOO·IBA • Li nton Gallery, 42 1 Ruthven St, Toowoomba - (32-9390) • Mon to Fri, 10 am to 4 nm; Sat, 9 am to 12 noon . !O()IO()'•IBA - The Lionel Lindsay Ga llery of Australian Art and Li terature , University Centre for External Studies, Je 111coe St. Toowoonba • Sun to fri, 2 pm to S pm . • TOOIIOOMBA - The Potters' Gallery , 145 West St, Toowoomba - Fri, 10 am to 2 pm; Sat & Sun, 10 am to 4 pm . TODWQ()IBA - "The Pottrf". Phillip McConn'ell 's Ceramic Studio & Ga l lery, Preston (Turn left at Preston stockyard, Rockmount) via Toowoomba - (30-9198) - Dally, 10 am to 4 pm . TDOWOOMBA - Tia Ga lleries, Western Highway, via Taylor St, Toowoomba • (30-4165 ) - Dally, 9 am to 6 1>11· TOOWOll-llA - roowoo,,t,a Cl ty Art c., Ilery, City 11, 11, Ruth,en St. Toowoomba • Mon. Wed & Fri, 11 am lo l pm. ' . . ,. J 17