Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,. , TJ Sund y Mail 30 May 1982 Br.eathtctking new gallery is work of art in itself It's all the superlativea you ean think of rolled Into one. It's the new Queensland Art Gallery which "!IU open ~ June 21.. Part. of · U!e · ~banlt culfural centre, ~.sall~,.S I.here at last. The s-lntmp are gomr up.'the st,.!t rpem• hers are lnat&lled in their omoee'anii ·It lm't Just a·~- Dlrector.ReouJ Mellish &eeffl.! to ba1·e dlttlculty lu 'l,e,alWng that after years spent In temporary premises, the gal– lery suddenly hM a proper home, and he one of the beat 6ltuated offices in Brisbane With views over the river to the city. As tor architect Robin Gibson he ju.,t doei;n't seem to be able to believe it at all. He ·..,.pta through the enormous and llla.rftJJo1111 pllerf• with their soaring waJJa ind brilliant lighting as If unable to realia that the drawinga he poured over during hundreda of late nliht.a have ·become a reality. It'1 .-hard to thlnk that 10 Yeara ago there waa nothing on the aite but a coDecUon of nonde.scrlpt buUdL,p that weren't a bit beautiful. It'1 all a revelation, as a few privi– leged . people realised during the week when they were &iven a sneak preview of the DuildJng - and a breathtaking one. . What aeema to ~ a sertea ot White eubel ,rtsJng from tqe banJc.s of the riv– er bu become oolthe world'• finest pllerfes. . Tha..Jtaht, the re or the mate- riall ~qsed, the proportions, the vtstaa whlcli':allow you to see the gallery a bundNld- •different · ways at once have turnecf.. t.he whole thing Into a work or art all by ltilelf. It'll . modern, which Ul)81!1a a few people Who would prefer a Gothic aplre or .. It's a.!80 classic In that It gtves you a feeling. or belns In a Oreelt temple. Whe,t the watet- mall comes to life, the sc:uJpture Is placed In the 6CUlpture garden and the paintings are up, only one thing will be needed to malce It · perfect - people. People are what It's aJI. about. No matt.er how ,'211agniflceneta,. gallery, there lml"t muob point fr nbooay want., tosee·tt. Mi bet 1s that the minute the doors are ~ I.he place wtll be stormed. It"s iOlng to become Brtabane's Cen– trepotnt. Imagine what It wtJJ be !lice when· the performing arts complex, muaein:n and Ubrary &r11 completed. ..