Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

r CJOWOOI A - V1!,uc1 l Arl', Cit ll ery, 51 llusse ll St, Toowoonba - Mon t o Sa t. 10 am to Sp,u. TOWIISV ILL[ - At ince Ar l Ga llery, 37 Ross River Road , lowns vi ll e • (79 -1 309) • ,:.,,, lo ;-,.. 1. ~ -,n u, ,, rr; ; ~J•ll , fJ ~m tr, J 11111. OWIISVILLL - Claytor, Arl Conlrt , 58 Ingham lld, lc,wn,vl ll e - (7 1-4773 ) - lion and Wed t o Fi-i . 9 am to 1 pr!l ~ 2 pm to 6 pm; Sat , 9 am to 12 noon . TQ'.-JUSVILL[. Kt:1111(:dy Mur;i cologi c.il Mu!.OUll! , Cnr Rose St & Esplanade, Kissin9 Point, Townsv11 le • Wed at 4.30 pm. TOWtlSIJ ILL( - t1agr,eti c House Gal lery and Art [xchange, 147 Fli nders St ree t , Townsville - ( 72-334 3) - I).li ly , 9 am Lo 5 pm, TfJ',mSVILU - Magne ti c Is land Cr,1fl Shop, Pi cni c Hay Old School !louse , Magneti c Is land• Dai ly , 10 am to 5 pm. T()INSVI LLE -11argueri le Gal lery , 463 Flinders Street, Townsville - (71-4019 ) - Mon to Fr"i , 9 .30 am t o S pm; Sat , 9 am to 12 noon. TOWIISVILLE - llarlin Gallery , 475 Flinders Street, Townsvil le - ( 71-220 1) - Tues to Sa t, 10 am to 6 pm. TOWNSVILLE - North Queensland Mil i tary Museum, Jezzine Barracks, Townsvill e (7 1-6931 ) - Wed to Sun, 11 noon to 4 pm. TOWIISV ILL( - Norlhlown G• I lery , Nor thtown Shopping Centre - ( 71-3280). TOWIISVILLE - The Potters ' Place , Fl ower Street, Rai lway Estate - (n-2344) - Mon to Fr i. 9 am to 12 nooni Sun, 9 am to 5 pm . 1 #ARWT CK • Pr ingle CotlaiJC • tlistori ca l Museum, Dragon St. Warwi ck - Daily, 10 am to • pm . NOTES 8\' DIRECTOR Of CULTURAL ACTIVITIES (Cont. from Page l) In pa rts of the world other than Australia, and certain ly in some c.ountries o f As1a, people as well as produc.ts are often cl 1lssed as r,a tional Treasures . Whil st I was away I thought o f a number of our own Aus trali ans who s houl d be cons idered for t hi s distinc– tion . In la te May I expect to be vi s i ting groups in Western Queens land s tarting a Wi nton and the•1 going t o Longreach, Ba.-caldine and Blacka ll. I wi ll be accompan ied by my Cultura l Deve lopment Office r, Kev i n Radbourne. I llope to helve one or two snippets to re late in t ne ne;.. L i ss u of 11\.Y llotes. Festi val '82 organisers arc de l ighted w1 th t he res ponse fran so many Coi,1nonwea 1 t l'1 cmmtr les . Qua 1 i ty. as we ll a , variety we hope wi ll be tt1e keynote. As I have already menti oned , the domain of the Visual Arts is very well ca tered fo r. Dance components too p1•CJ1lise to be of high s tandard and of tJ re at interest. In thi s area we can e1:pe ct not on ly Class i ca l dancers from places l ike Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Scarf Dancers from Hong Kong, but fol k and traditi ona l dancers from our nei ghbours from closer areas such as Papua New Guinea and Pi teal m . Other areas of the fes tival are at the refining s tage, and programs are hcing fina li sed . I look fon-1ard to pro– viding furthe r deta il s nex t month . • ,/:. •'/,i,·I, , ... j,•,•·· 1 /IIH IISLANO CULTURAL 01 AP.Y r ubl 1s t11~d monthly by ttm Off ice o f the Director of Cu ltul'al Ac Livi t ies . P.O. 8011 155 , North Quay . Bri s bane . Queens l nd. 4000 . (founded Oeccmber 1971 ) ,,: Denise Olsen Duncan Alcorn Channa ine Denni s , ·.·: Mr llenry llowe l I (London) Or Hans tlieder Unr (Vienna) M,llerit1l published in the Queensland Cultura l Diary may be used with or without acknowledgement. Offprints wou ld be appreciated . Si911ed con tribut ions represent the views of the wr I te r. ,,nd r.o t necessari ly those of the Oepc1rtmen t or the Minister for Tourism, Nitti ontt l Par ks , SpOt't and t he Arts. Contributi ons of ,irt icles ,ind m,Her i ,1 1 for the ca lendar pages t1 re invited . However, publicati on cannot be gua ranteed as i nc lusion i s partl y deterndned by space ,·es trictl ons and amount of materi al rece ived. The Edi tor reserves the ri ght to edit a ll material submit ted for pub l icati on. New readers of the Diary may be placed on the mat l i ng list to rec,!ive free monthly copies by contact ing the Director o f Cultural Activities, 6th fl oor, Coma l co House, Cnr Ann and George ~g~~i~j _Brisbane , Q'ld., 4000, or by tel ephoning Bri sbane (07 ) ' . ,. J