Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

··~ ,r I I The Sunday Mail 20 June 1982 Souvenir edition THE Quernsland Art Gallery bwtu--start in Queen Street almost 100 yean ap, and its S28 mil– lion new bome on the South Bank of the Brisbane Rher opens to tbe public tomor– row. To commemorate tbe ennt, tomorrow's Courier– Mail will carry a special four-p11e color sounnir sbowin& tbe new 1allery and some of its treasures. The 11llery openin& is a· major ewent·in the cultural life of Queensland, and the sounnir win be I reminder or tbi• lmportaftt da,y. Don't miu your special full color Art Sou,enir copy of Tbe Courier-Mall tomor– row.