Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Art Gallery By JANE WHITEOAK Pro.ot/ou Offlttrfor tlw Q,,ffulw Art G•ll,ry ABOVE: From the e, ,,ibition of Renaissance Bronzes is this 26 mm high 16th century statuette of St John the Baptist. attributed to Severo de Ravonna, who worked in the late 15th contury and narlv 16th century. ~ j__ HE Queensland Art Gallery will be officially opened tomorrow, completing Stage One of the Queensland Cultural Centre - 87 years after the gallery's founding in 189S. Since 1895, the gallery has been located in a number or temporary premises, none of which has been entirely suitable. lacking both the space and facilities required by a rapidly expanding ins1i1u1ion. The new Art Gallery, costing S28 million provides more than 4000 square metres of display space, almost IO times the amount of space ii occupied in its former premises in the Mount Isa Mines building in Ann Street. Occupying two basic levels, the gallery comprises no less than 15 exhibition areas al• lowing for the display of both its own collec• lion and a wide range of loan exhibitions. Variations in ceiling height, of from 2.4 metres to I0.6 metres enables complete nexi• bility of display while maintaining critical temperature and humidity controls vital for the preservation of art works. ONCE inside the building there is no set route to be taken, allowing the visitor to make his own pace, taking in as much or as little as time allows. At no point will the visitor have 10 retrace his steps. Foyers and lounges throughout the gallery have been planned to relate to exhibi– tion areas, providing opportunities to relax, sit back and take in the view. The magniliccnl entrance to the gallery. framed by massive bronze glazed glass doors, opens to an expansive foyer or Traver– tine marble. Containing an information desk, a cloak– room, and gallery shop, the foyer area also boasts an orientation theatre, where visitors may watch a six minute introductory film on the building and its facilities. Dominating the area is a breathtaking view of the water mall, a feature of the build– ing which traverses the gallery and runs par– allel with •.he river. With a soaring height of I0.6 metres the mall is crowned with a stunning skylight de– signed to denect the direct rays of the sun, yet fill the area with natural light. Greenery spills from in-built planter boxes along the overhead balconies und, with the ornamenta l water pools below, creates an overall atmosphere of cool 1ranquili1y. The mall physica lly separates the exhibi• tion galleries with I heir relaxed cnvironmcnl from 1hc busier administration, education and reference library sections. INTEGRATED with 1he gallery will be a largi, ou1door sculpture garden protec1ed from S1anlcy Stree1 by high concrete walls and en1crcd through 1he sculp1ure garden. TO PAGE 7 lflTl•dv 10, 1~m, ..ip 1rnn~111, I ,m ..,ndtnt VOll 1h11 1111 • lr1tl'!d nl m,,., I 1fc,111e.d V0\11 count '4tm, mnn1h, <lgtl •nd wo wrv Ult\li.d I q•v• up ~,no~1ng 1mmed1.tlflv ,nd onlv h•d 10 110 vou, 1mn111,11on CIQl lfl1, to, l0111dn1 rt.l1 \\\1 J A division of WORLDWIDE MAIL ORDER Est 1926. t- •ITHOUT RISKING ONE CENT! Now you have the opportunity of a lifetime to finally stop smoking FOREVER without risking one cent. Never again need you be out of pocket every week. No more sending good money up in smoke. Calculate yourself just how much you spend ove, a year - you'll be really surprised. Now you can give up smoking forever just like thousands of others. with the help of an amazing new stop-smoking aid called APAL. NO NERVES·NOTENSION·NO COUGH! APAL is an imitation cigaretle cleverlv developed and perfected in the laboratories of lhe Health Culture Co. alter many years of resea1ch. You never lighl APAL. You simply put it in your mouth when you want a smoke, it has a cool soothing taste and will take away the craving instantly. It is NOT habit form ing. POSITIVE PROOF "STOPPED SMOKING "STOP SMOKING" Just a few lines to let My husband bough! you know I have stopp- APAL and it made him etl smoking a week stop smoking. He used after you sent me the to smoke three packets APAL. People smoke a day. Mrs. S., of P.L. , in front of me but it S.A. doesn't make any dill- "NOT SMOKED erence. Mrs E.S.. of SINCE" J.C., Old. 11 has been over 12 "VERY PLEASED" mon1hs now since I I'm down 10 3 cigareues purchased my APAL a day. My doc1or, who and 10 !his day I have ordered me off cigarette nol smoked a cigarette smoking. is very pleased since ihe first day I wilh me . I 1old him about used ii. D.N. , of Old. APAL and he said it was POST beuer for me than the cigareues. A.A., Alison Park ATONCE ------------------· CRAWFORD APAL CIGARETTE Co. DEPT. 3 5th Floor, 44 Margaret Street. sydney Send me ,n11nediatelv de1ads ol lhe APAL S1op,Smok1ng A,d ar how I can 1esi APAL lo, 30 days w11hou1111kmg one cent. P!en\ !so include vou; tree boo~let "The Truth Abou t Smok.1ng" and 11 llHllmg treatise '·The Man Who Wr ote His Own Ob11Uarv." NAME (Mr. Mrs Miss) ......................................................... FULL ADDRESS ............................................................. . ........................................................Postcode..................... (I enclose 24 cents in stamps fo r postage) o,••w Sunday Mail Colar, June 20, 1982 3