Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

THE WORLD OF EDWARD HOPPER The World of Edward Hopper is a striking visual biography of ,weryday life. Thee•hibitlon of 97 paintings. drawings end prints by Hopper. merica·s foremost realist artist of modern times, has boen rought to Australia from the Whitney Museum of American Art m New York. Sponsored by The Philip Morris Arts Grant. the selection of works. valued at over $10 million, is from a large retrospective hawing of the Hopper colleclion. which has just toured Europe And America. Hopper (1881- 1967) has been called the most penetrating chronicle< of American life between the two world wars. With frankness, intimate sympathy and a touch of melancholy he has recorded dally life in cities and country towns. The importance of light is all-pervading in Hopper's works. It is broken into slabs, trapezoids and shafts by crowded city build– ings and often pinpoints human figures caught in thought or on the tlveshold of motivation. Hopper had an early car- as a commercial illustrator. which he denigrated, and eJ(Jlerlmented with print-making. His prints are very upensive and personal. capturing a passing moment or mood. Indemnified by the Commonwealth Government. the exhibi– tion includes 60 oil paintings, 17 watercolors, 15 drawings and 15 prints. Organised by the Art Gallery ofSouth Australia. HI-FI NEWS ''A LITTLE LUX GOES A LONG WAY" I've been in the audio business long enough to see 1 hrough the superficial claims made by manufacturers ,vhose equipment often doesn't quite make the grade. You don't have to be an accountant to work out you ·an't continue to get more features, power and styling vithout accepting compromises elsewhere. Nor does it ...,ke an opinion poll to tell you the discerning enthusiasts dmain unmoved by the specification race, fancy facias or I d power game. The staff at Stereo Supplies '"World of Sound"· believe heir clients come to them because they won't accept mpromisos either. FOf this reason they have sold products from Japan· s UK Corporation for almost thirteen years. During this time we have seen them grow from a small but highly .uccessful specialist amplifier manufacturer into a ompany whose audio designs hove continuously set 1dustry standards. Products bearing the Lu,cmnn emblem hove m recent ears included tuners, receivers. turntables and cassette I cks. All leaders in their respective fields. The Luxmon L· 1 amplifier Is a brilliant example of ,Jxman's superb styling and performance at a price that •11eryone con afford. LU>cman has o knack of making 1ttractive and functional equipment, and the L- 1 amplifier • no exception. the tone controls and volume attenuator n ve a smooth action over their operative ranoes. They act 1 sitively and have a r1ico fool to thorn. But enounh about 10 controls, lots look at its performance. We know that uxman is usually consorvar,vo about its ra11nos lJut. we <1easurcd 1he output as nearly 50 wat1s. That Is noarly 20 'Vatts greater than clrnmod. Wo l1ko the Amphf1er. A lot of hough! hos oono into the dosign nnct the powor output Is i .nerous to say the least. The L- 1 currently sells for $299 nd at 1hat price I can wholuhoartedly rocornrnend ,t. In a world of compromIs0. Luxmar1 Audio products 1and utono. Proof of 1his Is 111 !ho fact that all Luxmnn mponolltS now come with a fivo year full part s ond ,bour WARRANTY. The complete ranyo of LUXMAN Ul1<111ate High F,doluy mpononts am availnblo at S1eroo Suppl1e~ · ·w orld of ound" 44 Romn StreP.I noAt to !ho Crost lnternot1011al 10 101. One of the maIor advantages of buying from Luxman necialists 1s that 1hey havo to be serviced on the remises. Call In and hoar for yourself why Lu1C.man have stayed at ho top for nlmost fifty years. 0 )7495 Sunday Mall Co/or, June 20, 1982 The Queensland ABOVE : Edwarrl Hopper"s 1936 portrait of 11,s wife Josephine, also an artist. at work in hor studio. It is an oil on canvas measuring 40 by 45 cm from the collect1on of New YOfk's Wtutney Museum of American Art . OPPOSITE PAGE. BOTTOM LEFT: Edward Hopper's " Lo Pont dos Arts," pmnted in 1907, an oil on canvas. This one of the 50 Hopper oils in the 011oensland Art Gallery oxhibi11on. OPPOSITE PAGE. BOTTOM RIGHT: Hopper' s "'Le B,stro"' pointed 1n 1909. Tho artist is noted for his skill at usmg hght 10 pmpo,nt figures in his often sombre pictures.