Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

T + I I The Queensland Art Gallery WASSILY KADINSKY, 1888-1944 A fabulous collection of paintlnga by the celebrated Ruulan art– lat, Kacinlky, hu come to Auatralla, to be exhibited in the 0-.land An Gallery. Brought In by the Pet• Stuywa;int Cultural Foundation In - 10C1at1on with the Auatrallll Coundl and the lntarnetlonal Cultwal Corpo,etion of Aua1rallll Ltd, the exhibition la on loan from the SoionQi R. Guggenheim MIMMIIII, N- York. ' Commenting on the uhibltlon, the .-.tlw dnctor of the Pets StuywUnt Cultl.ral Foundation, George Hawk•, uid: "Abstract art la not -vt,ody'a lltlng but thla exhibition 1111N beyond llte or dlaaie of a style. h DON back to the._., beginning ao that - al Nn ~ men of the birth of • style which at fnt dlatwbed but haa llwd on to aprNd thrqlOUI the world ao th • t wwy gallary, men or,l • aa, • xhlllta thla rnod • m style. ''lNa, tlwl,·- of the tNy outetanding • xhllltlona llrolqlt Into~ thla a.itury. Obtllnlng h on loan from Guggenheim M-.rn - no almple matts, but hn h la and - muat ._, proud to be aaoc:lal • d with h. The aNbltlon wll pravlda the Au • tr • lian pubic with ha lir • t QIIIIOr1Lllity to vi • w the work of,_ d the plvvt • I ftgurN In the. dlvaapmant of modlm art, ldantlflad with the traneltlon hm •IPl-•billon..i to abstract palntlnga. The chctor of the 0-- • ncl An Gall • ry, Mr'Raoul Melllah, uldhe-~ ~fortheralathe Pa19r 8tuyvN.wit Culllnl FOl.lldltlon haa pl • yM In bringlngthlaailhlbltlon toAw– tnllll. r,.11' W Aid that the faundatlon had .,_, reapon • lbla farbringlngma,ylntamatlonal.tlllltlonatothea...l • la.ldAn G • llaiy - I number d yan. The r-ldltlon had • iao gan– • roualy contributacl to the opening cellbr~ of the MW ~ Art Gall • ry by landing 1M, ---- by Jan Lur– wlllah .. -- by the faundatlon. "The ...._ 9tuyva • nt Culllnl Foundltlon II the lir • t oom– nwdll organlutlon to,affactlv • ly ~ .. _In Au • trllla and lndNd i- provldad inlplrltlon to lllhn whon now land– ing tha valulbla ~ In thla tl • ld.", Mr Malllah aid. n......, s~ Cultw • I Foundltlon - Ntabllah • d In Amawdlm In 1N3 •1haPeW&,.,.,_,rTruatforthel>ewl– oprnent of the Arta for the pwpoa of provlclng funda to promo19 and d • -,alop lntawt In the fine-· The fnt uhibltlon, "An In IIICM1IY", - commla • loned to hang In • factory In Holland. Since tlwl, the collei:tlon ha .,_, bult up ..........., and ha ~t trav • i • to - COllll1riN lww ba,ellted io-. from II lavela In many countrlea, giving the Foundation • tNy lntamatlonll char-. - ABOVE: Vasily Kandinsky's "Yellow Canvas," an oil and enamel design on canvas created in July, 1938. The painting ia 116.4 cm by 88.8 cm and is on loan for exhibition In Brisbane from the Solomon R Guggenheim Musaum in Fifth Avenue, New York City. LEFT: " Amsterdam - View from the Window," painted by Vasily Kadinsky In 1904. The painting is an oil on board measuring 23.6 by 33.1 cm . , Sunday Mall Colar, June 20, 1982 19