Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

there', this intimacy between these two ele• ments." •' Referrina to tbe Quoen.tand,commission, he explained that • ·visitor to the gallery from the cscalatora "10Uld get a renection of color from tbe tails 'of the kites - "as if the color is running to meet you. "The element of blue that runs through the essentially yellow-toned work will aive the feeling as if the tail• are actually suck• ing up water into the kites. "It is personally importanl to me that whatever I make in kite sculptural form will actually fly. So this work could be success– fully flown. However one will see it in the gallery in a very special situation. .. I fea t ure ~-~ -~ , ., ,. O'- uj am concerned ,with creatin4 ~t.juit •· 5uspcndcd sculpture .but an envm~nmontak experience. "The work is made to look up at or dowW . on. There are many viewina point,. The filll terials used will be eaentially'fibre. · · \I : "I'm using tbe kite form because·, wil\f light to pass through it. Another reaM>n -~C?f. using fabric is that I didn't want to paint:ti.' "With painting you get brllih m~rb. i wanted the luminous quality that tqffl9'• from dyeing the fabric. The light pa.,_· through the fabric and you get this .1>,U.' liance or the effect of a stained glau wtn: dow." · ,,i, 1,i , • ) l • 1; ·: ~-