Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

ABOVE: Untitled work bV VasilV Kadinskv dated M.-ch, 1918. It is a watercolor in India ink and pencil on paper, sized 22.4 cm bv 48.6 cm. The item is from New YO<k's Guggenheim Museum. RIGHT: Venolian bronze from the school of Jacopo Sansovino is from the Ashmolenn Museum al Oxford University. l O Sunday Mall Co/or, June 20, 1982 The Queensland Art Gallery ABOVE : " A Fate at St Cloud," a watercolor and gum arabic painting by William Wytd (1806-1889) from the Cambri dge Fitzwilliam Museum. LEFT: Hanging paper scroll by th e Japanese arl is l Yam amoto Baiitsu 11783- 1B56) . The scroll hangs 169.3 cm by 90 cm.