Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

) - M0!:!11AY, JUNE :>1, 1982 THIS ORNATE .lapanc~ • fo lding screen i, one of :111110,1 1 )0 ma,lt' qlit•ct•s from the Idemitsu collection. on displa y as one of fi1 c 1b,iling l'Xhihitions to mark the opcrMII).! of lhl• gull<?r). II is thl· first tinll' Idemitsu lrca: urcs han• hl•cn ~hown in Austrnli11. TIIE PAI T I (; ''The Re,urrc·cliun". pciintrd h) .lucnpo llohnsii Tin– toretto. one ur 1hr i111crn:11iun:1I url 111:"lrrpierrs uclc!Nl lu 1h,• ()11,•,•11,l:111<1 :irl 1·ollcl'lio11 1hrou~h lhc (,hie '"'""'' ,\rl (;:,11,·r) l'n11od:11io11. .. ..,__ 1111in11•r E. Phillip Fo~ ', "On Th,· ll1•:1d1", one• 11f till' 1111,,r ''Jl'·t·nt chin~ of 1hr Au"rraliun p:1in1int!, :11111111g iii,· J!:i ll,'r) ·.., o\-\ n ,·ollrction. ---·----- I Q\JEENSI.A D'S new nrt Five tom alle TWO WEEKS of fa ~ ties planned aroun d visiting exhibitions mark the opening ot Q.ueensland Art Galler l'hc )?:t iler) ·, cd11 ·:11 i,m 11.1, pl.rnncd :1.:t1l'ii1c, Ill h11• nh 1h1111111 Ihc111c,.•111d tt11•1 kn 11,11111, a 11 11kr pcrsp,·, 1 1hc "'"~' 1111 d1,pl.1) .,11d 1 Icpfl"'l"ll lC J I h,·rc 11 ,II he 1111,si<.: rcci l ·1r 1 rt·.1d111~•,. lc..:111rc, , nccn .111•, ..1 11 ,,r~ hnp 11 111.1~1111• .111d 1rad11ional 1,IJ ll':t LCfl'llll)ll IC\ . Ihe II\', vi,itin~ exh ibit !,1.1 11 for Ihe )?,illl!r) open in• M:t tcrptclc., from the "' \t 11,c u111 ell" Ar is in I 1 I 111 11 C 011111" <;hnrc an