Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

ccs from lhe ldcmilsu collcclion, on display :,s one of fhc ,·bit in• time Idemitsu treasures have been shown in Australia. . ,. T Ii i-: AUSTRALIAN paintrr E. Phillip Fox', "On The lktch", 011c nf the 1110,1 ,•yc-rntchinl! of the Ausfraliun p11inti11i:s :irnn11J! th,• gu llcr~ ·, own colleclion. -------- -------- _------:- I , ~ I?h~•f . QU!cENl.,l.ANO'S new url si~wplace' has more than 4700 sq m o. 'exhihilion space in 15 gal~ rief This is a ~iew of the Australian contemporary aallery. Five exhibltiohs to mark the gallery oi;2ening TWO WEEKS of festivi– ties planned around five v is i ~ing exhibitions will mark the opening of t he Queensland Art Gallery. The g:llkry\ education , ectilln Ii:" planned :1 c1ivi1ic, 10 hi ghl ight cxh1hi1i,m 1hcme, ..111d 11 give µal – kr), i,i tM, a wider pcr, pe..:ti\'e nf rite ""rb ,111 di,pl.1~ ,111<! period, rqirc c11 1cu ·1 here "ill he 111u, ic reci tals. po– e try rc :1d1 11 J!.'· lc.: 1urc,. i'il111 ,nccnings. a ,, urk shnp in ~i1 c- 111:1k1ni; and 1radi1ional .la panc,c lea ccrc111onic,. The n,c vis iti ni; cxhibi ti ns on 111.,n for lhc gullery opening arc: •1:istcrpieLcs from 1hc ldcmit– , 11 t\ l11 ,e11m ,1 ,\rts i11 Tokyo. Town. Cn11111 rv, Shore a nJ . en: lln tish drawing, and water nlors I ' " I I l I I I, 111 rc known 10ar1 of 1hc 20th Ccn– tur . " Renaissa nce Bron zes" ha s been drawn from the renowned Brit ish co llections. th e ' altirt g Cnllcction :1 1 the Victoria and Al – hen Museum in London, and the 1\ , hmolc:111 Mu,cum al Oxfo ru . The exhibi tion nr 100 Hriti, h draw in gs 11 11d wa tercolur, from Ya n Dyd (1 599 -1641) 10 Pa ul a,h ( I X81/- l 946) ha, cnmc l'rom the Fi11wi lll:1111 M11, e11111 :1 1 ' arn- 1 ridge in l·nglanu . "Town. ·ount ry, Shore a nd Sen" · ha rt , I he dcvc lnpmcnt of' the Engl is h landscapc and 11 a1er– color 1radi11 on from the carlic,1 1upographica l stuu ics in pen and ink 10 the cla,sical tradition. The ·nllcction cncompa. cs three ccn- 111 ri cs f' Hr 1ti . h art fr om th e h:1nds or SLlmc of it s •rcn tc,t rna,– tcr,. :rnd j ,,.,,• . ,r he hr1•1• I,. h, family tickets at $1 2 allo, ing en– try for two adults and up to five chi ldren. or one adu lt and up to six chi lure11 . The fee ror children, stu dents and pcnsioncr, will be $2. Majo r paintin gs a nd wnr ks frnm the gallcr} ·s cn llcc1ion nf more than 5000 piccc :11,o " ill he 011 vie v from 1ocl:1 . 011 c of the g:il lcry·, 11H1q ra- 11w11, pa11111 ng, i, l'il:.1"0·. " I a Belle lf oll1111d :1 bc ," p111 1tc1I 111 190.'i . \\' llli am Dubel !', " 'I he C'ypri,11 " nnd Russell I ry~d:llc's " Bad Vera ndah'" arc 11 11 H1ng f:1- 111,,u, ,\ u, traliun works in the gnl – lc rv ,,;t int ing, s ulpturc . JHi nts, dr:twi ngs. phot grn phs. ccora– tivc a nd appli ed a rts a nd cra ft s arc en the colic lion T he annual Tru,tcc, Purchnsc , , 'hit l1rn ruH~ r 1 1 • ri,·h,.. ... , qf I