Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

) )• TII E rAINTING "The Rc,urrcclinn", 1minled hy .l11co1)(1 Rnhusi i 'I in• lorello, one of the intcrn111inn:1Iurl m:1~1erricres :11ltled lu lh ()uc,•n, l:11111 urt collection through 1he Q11ccn, l:111d .\ rl 1;~1kr~ Foum :tlion. U\ II O lhlr I rnintcr F.. Phillip r os•~ "On The lk:11'11", one of 1h,• 11111,1 ,•ie-calchini: of the Austruliun paintings umoni: till' ~a llrri \ own collection. ••1, l tl'~./r• " .10 I ' \nl(•rk:111 rL·:ili,t a rti t F1h1 ard I loppl•r. i, um• or 1 .17 11:lint ill J!~ h~• Hoppc•r 0 11 cli, pl:1) from \111"·11111 of \ nwri,·an \rl in , ,,11 , orl.. :1, 0111· of 1h1· ,i,i ti nJ! 1·,hihiti nn, . Q\IEE SI.A ll"S """ I Five torr gall ties pla nned aroun visiting exhibiti o , mark t he opening Queensland Art Ga t The galler) \ cclu ·11 11" h:i, pl.11111cd :t ·1iv i1ie, 10 nl11h1t11J11 I herne,..111d i, !er) l'i\ltor, a " 1der per, the IHll"b on d1, pl.1) :1 1 repr~,cntcd. There \I ill be 11111,i<: re c1 n r,· ad 111 1,t,. k c tu , ,.rcc nings. a 11urk hnr 1n:1k 1n)!_ a nd 1radi1ion:1I I t ·:t ccrc monic,. T he live visiting cxh1h' lo:i n fo r I he g:dlcry opc111 Masterpieces from th · Sil 1\1 II SC U111 of t\ rt s i T, wn. Countrv. S hore ll ri ti,h drawi ng, :111d " · rrom Van Dvck 10 World of l:d;v;i rd Hnt 11ai~~a 11 cc brnn,c. rrom 1 ri :1 a nd ,\lhal '111 ,..:11 1 11:11 ~,all l'l. hron,c:-. :t n dr,11, 1 nµ, l'ru 111 I h.: /\ \·111,c11111, (hford . :1111 , k ·• fe:llu ring 1· rb 111 rrn,n I he ,•on.:ci i,111 Ill I g ·11hci111 \lu,c111 11 111 T he id.:lllil ' II .:, hillll firs l 111:JJllr c.xh1hilHli1 " ' art 111 i\u,1r,il1 .1 M. 1111rk, incl ud.:d arc .:I .l:t pa ne~c a111hrn 11 1c, .1, culi ural prupcrti.:,. ·1 pie ce, of ·cra111i c :11 p:1in 1in ,, on c rcc n ,crnll,. hand :.croll, :1111 :ire i11cludcd f rnlll .I,q :111d Korea \ urks frum K:1 11di11 1hc 111,n1:d figur.:, in I lll<'lll pf llllldern :I rl. I heir fi" l ()uccn, l:i11d p,l rl ,,r :111 \ 11, trali:111 f..:1nd 111,k1 \ " '"~ m:ir , i1 1on 1 ruti1 rcpn.:"t: nt all, , 1r:1< I p:11 111111)! in "h: de ·I.ired Ihe """ ' r,lll /